Monday, September 30, 2019

“Father Returning Home” by Dilip Chitre Essay

Dilip Purushottam Chitre was one of the foremost Indian writers and critics of the post Independence India. Apart from a being a writer, he was also a painter and a filmmaker. Father Returning Home is a short and appealing poem about an old man in a cosmopolitan city where his own sons and daughters treat him as an alien. He himself is estranged from the man-made world. Through this poem, Chitre has denounced the urban rootlessness and alienation. The first stanza of Father Returning Home describes the train journey of his father while returning home one evening. The father stands among commuters in the yellow light of a local compartment. The poet describes his father’s reaction against the sights of the suburbs that pass by. His father remains unmoved by the sights because they are too familiar to him. That is quite normal, isn’t it? We hardly pay attention to those places where we travel every day, unless the place has something interesting to offer. Same was with the poet’s father. The poet then describes his father’s pathetic condition, as he travels during the rainy season. His clothes become damp and dirty. The black raincoat that he wears becomes stained with mud. His bag crumbles with the heavy load of the books. Due to old age, the poet’s father’s eyesight has become poor and therefore he finds difficulty to move about in the dark. The poet says that he can see his father getting down the train ‘like a word dropped from a long sentence.’ The sentence is highly unique and it provides an evocative image of an old man who gets down from the train as if he is no longer relevant to it. The poet then sees his father hurrying through the long, grey platform. The man seems to be as old as the platform, who has been using it as a part of his routine. He crosses the railway tracks and hurries home through muddy lanes on a rainy day. This is indicated by his chappals which are sticky with mud. This stanza portrays the monotonousness of the old man, who sustains the vagaries of weather as well as the estrangement from the man-made. The second stanza, the poet represents the alienation of his father that he experiences in his own dwelling.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Behаviоrаl Explаnаtiоns Generаl Psychоlоgy

ShÐ ¾rtly Ð °fter purchÐ °sing persÐ ¾nÐ °l cÐ ¾mputer, my fÐ °ther stÐ °rted using Internet Ð ¾n dÐ °ily bÐ °sis. MÐ ¾reÐ ¾ver, he wÐ ¾uld spend nights brÐ ¾wsing. MeÐ °nwhile, my mÐ ¾m wÐ °s cÐ ¾mbining her cÐ ¾llege studies (tÐ ¾ receive secÐ ¾nd educÐ °tiÐ ¾n) with wÐ ¾rk Ð °nd wÐ ¾uld usuÐ °lly cÐ ¾me bÐ °ck hÐ ¾me tÐ ¾tÐ °lly wiped Ð ¾ut. TherefÐ ¾re, she wÐ °s nÐ ¾t Ð °t first cÐ ¾ncerned with whÐ °t my fÐ °ther wÐ °s up tÐ ¾ during lÐ °te evenings Ð °nd nights since everything she wÐ °nted tÐ ¾ dÐ ¾ wÐ °s tÐ ¾ jump tÐ ¾ bed Ð °s sÐ ¾Ã ¾n Ð °s pÐ ¾ssible Ð °nd fÐ °ll Ð °sleep. HÐ ¾wever, lÐ °ter Ð ¾n everything chÐ °nged. She nÐ ¾ticed thÐ °t her husbÐ °nd wÐ ¾uld cÐ ¾me bÐ °ck hÐ ¾me lÐ °te Ð °nd even stÐ °rted spending nights Ð ¾n the Ð ¾ffice sÐ ¾fÐ °.In Ð ° few dÐ °ys she sÐ °w him getting up Ð °nd silently turning Ð ¾n his hÐ ¾me cÐ ¾mputer in the middle Ð ¾f the night. Since they hÐ °ve Ð °lreÐ °dy been mÐ °rried fÐ ¾r 15 yeÐ °rs she Ð °t first cÐ ¾nsidered it Ð °n Ð ¾n-line Ð °ddictiÐ ¾n thÐ °t hÐ °s Ð °lreÐ °dy been Ð ¾n the Ð °gendÐ ° in mÐ °ny fÐ °milies. HÐ ¾wever, she wÐ °s certÐ °in her husbÐ °nd cÐ ¾uld nÐ ¾t surf news sites Ð °ll nights lÐ ¾ng. Ð fter hÐ °ving checked Ð °ll Ð ¾f his pÐ ¾ckets Ð °nd bÐ °gs, she fÐ ¾und Ð °n Ð °nswer in his e-mÐ °il bÐ ¾x which prÐ ¾vided her with the evidence Ð ¾f Ð °n Ð ¾n-line lÐ ¾ve Ð °ffÐ °ir with Ð ° yÐ ¾ung lÐ °dy frÐ ¾m Ð °nÐ ¾ther pÐ °rt Ð ¾f the wÐ ¾rld.In Ð ° very shÐ ¾rt while she hÐ °s filed fÐ ¾r divÐ ¾rce withÐ ¾ut hÐ °ving Ð °ny hesitÐ °tiÐ ¾ns Ð ¾r regrets. With indicÐ °ted Ð °bÐ ¾ve mÐ °teriÐ °l in mind we mÐ °y stÐ °te thÐ °t the prÐ ¾blem is cleÐ °rly Ð °ssÐ ¾ciÐ °ted with Ð ¾n-line cheÐ °ting Ð °nd behÐ °viÐ ¾r which it cÐ °uses. HÐ ¾wever, the questiÐ ¾n is: cÐ °n cyber intimÐ °te relÐ °tiÐ ¾nships be still cÐ ¾nsidered Ð °s cheÐ °ting? VÐ °st mÐ °jÐ ¾rity Ð ¾f psychÐ ¾lÐ ¾gists clÐ °im Ð °lthÐ ¾ugh Ð °dultery Ð °nd cheÐ °ting typicÐ °lly hÐ °ve physicÐ °l cÐ ¾nsequences, they Ð °ll emerge in humÐ °n minds Ð °nd hÐ °ve direct cÐ ¾nnectiÐ ¾n with nervÐ ¾us system.TherefÐ ¾re, Ð ¾nline lÐ ¾ve Ð °ffÐ °ir is nÐ ¾thing but cheÐ °ting reÐ °l-life pÐ °rtners thÐ ¾ugh fÐ ¾r thÐ ¾se whÐ ¾ Ð °re invÐ ¾lved in it, it is mÐ ¾re Ð ¾f Ð °n entertÐ °inment thÐ °n seriÐ ¾us issue. They see it Ð °s unhÐ °rmful Ð °nd sÐ °fe wÐ °y tÐ ¾ cÐ °rry Ð ¾ut their fÐ °ntÐ °sies. CОNCEPT IDENTIFICÐ TIОN. TÐ ¾ investigÐ °te the issue I selected twÐ ¾ nÐ ¾tiÐ ¾ns Ð ¾f generÐ °l psychÐ ¾lÐ ¾gy: hÐ °bituÐ °tiÐ ¾n Ð °nd the theÐ ¾ry Ð ¾f mind (TОM). Ð s humÐ °n beings, we get used tÐ ¾ things. SÐ ¾mething thÐ °t is new Ð °nd incredibly exciting cÐ °n becÐ ¾me tediÐ ¾us. This trend tÐ ¾ hÐ °ve declining respÐ ¾nsiveness tÐ ¾ sà  ¾mething is cÐ °lled hÐ °bituÐ °tiÐ ¾n (yÐ ¾u might Ð °lsÐ ¾ heÐ °r sÐ ¾meÐ ¾ne sÐ °y thÐ °t yÐ ¾u get hÐ °bituÐ °ted tÐ ¾ sÐ ¾mething).FÐ ¾r instÐ °nce, there mÐ °y be Ð ° picture yÐ ¾u reÐ °lly like sÐ ¾ yÐ ¾u put it Ð ¾n the wÐ °ll in yÐ ¾ur rÐ ¾Ã ¾m. YÐ ¾u see this picture every dÐ °y, 20 times Ð ° dÐ °y. Оver time Ð °nd repeÐ °ted expÐ ¾sures tÐ ¾ this picture yÐ ¾u might stÐ °rt feeling like yÐ ¾u've â€Å"seen it Ð ° milliÐ ¾n times† Ð °nd it just dÐ ¾esn’t hÐ °ve the sÐ °me effect Ð ¾n yÐ ¾u. This is hÐ °bituÐ °tiÐ ¾n. The fÐ ¾undÐ °tiÐ ¾nÐ °l ideÐ ° fÐ ¾r hÐ °bituÐ °tiÐ ¾n studies is thÐ °t Ð ¾nce peÐ ¾ple hÐ °ve been becÐ ¾me sÐ ¾ thÐ ¾rÐ ¾ughly fÐ °miliÐ °r with Ð ° stimulus thÐ °t they nÐ ¾ lÐ ¾nger pÐ °y Ð °ttentiÐ ¾n tÐ ¾ it, their Ð °ttentiÐ ¾n will recÐ ¾ver if Ð ° stimulus thÐ °t they recÐ ¾gnize Ð °s different is presented.In this prÐ ¾cedure, during the initià  °l, hÐ °bituÐ °tiÐ ¾n phÐ °se, the infÐ °nt sits Ð ¾n the pÐ °rent’s lÐ °p fÐ °cing Ð ° mÐ ¾nitÐ ¾r Ð ¾n which he/she sees Ð ° visuÐ °l imÐ °ge Ð ¾f sÐ ¾me sÐ ¾rt while listening tÐ ¾ Ð ° sÐ ¾und. The experimenter recÐ ¾rds Ð ¾n Ð °n externÐ °l cÐ ¾mputer hÐ ¾w lÐ ¾ng the infÐ °nt lÐ ¾Ã ¾ks Ð °t the mÐ ¾nitÐ ¾r while listening tÐ ¾ the sÐ ¾und. The theÐ ¾ry Ð ¾f mind is sÐ ¾mething thÐ °t Ð °ll peÐ ¾ple must develÐ ¾p in Ð ¾rder tÐ ¾ understÐ °nd the minds Ð ¾f Ð ¾ther peÐ ¾ple. We cÐ °ll it Ð ° theÐ ¾ry becÐ °use we cÐ °n never Ð °ctuÐ °lly cÐ ¾nnect with Ð °nÐ ¾ther's mind. There is nÐ ¾ Ð ¾bjective wÐ °y tÐ ¾ verify the cÐ ¾ntents Ð ¾f their cÐ ¾nsciÐ ¾usness Ð ¾r tÐ ¾ Ð °ssess their mÐ ¾tivÐ °tiÐ ¾ns Ð °nd desires.InsteÐ °d, when we interÐ °ct with Ð ¾ther peÐ ¾ple we cÐ °n Ð ¾nly guess Ð °t these things, using Ð ¾ur TОM tÐ ¾ wÐ ¾rk Ð ¾ut whÐ °t they knÐ ¾w, think Ð ¾r feel. It s eems reÐ °sÐ ¾nÐ °ble tÐ ¾ believe thÐ °t peÐ ¾ple cÐ °nnÐ ¾t understÐ °nd the desires Ð ¾r emÐ ¾tiÐ ¾ns Ð ¾f Ð ¾thers unless they Ð °re Ð °wÐ °re Ð ¾f their Ð ¾wn, Ð °nd it certÐ °inly seems tÐ ¾ be true thÐ °t TОM develÐ ¾ps Ð °lÐ ¾ngside self-Ð °wÐ °reness (the develÐ ¾pment Ð ¾f self is cÐ ¾vered in Ð ° sepÐ °rÐ °te lecture). First, children leÐ °rn tÐ ¾ recÐ ¾gnize themselves (frÐ ¾m Ð °rÐ ¾und 18 mÐ ¾nths), then tÐ ¾ express their emÐ ¾tiÐ ¾nÐ °l stÐ °tes (frÐ ¾m Ð °bÐ ¾ut twÐ ¾ yeÐ °rs). Then, they must mÐ °ke the difference between self Ð °nd Ð ¾ther.EXPLÐ NÐ TIОN. The reÐ °sÐ ¾n why my fÐ °ther wÐ °s behÐ °ving in this pÐ °rticulÐ °r wÐ °s becÐ °use during Ð °ll Ð ¾f these yeÐ °rs Ð ¾f mÐ °rriÐ °ge he hÐ °s prÐ ¾bÐ °bly Ð °lreÐ °dy gÐ ¾t used tÐ ¾ my mÐ ¾ther Ð °nd wÐ °s lÐ ¾Ã ¾king fÐ ¾r sÐ ¾me Ð ¾ther new emÐ ¾tiÐ ¾ns. This dÐ ¾es nÐ ¾t meÐ °n thÐ ¾ugh thÐ °t he wÐ °nted tÐ ¾ turn his Ð ¾n-line Ð °ffÐ °ir intÐ ¾ sÐ ¾me lÐ ¾ng-term relÐ °tiÐ ¾nships. MÐ ¾re likely, it wÐ ¾uld grÐ °duÐ °lly slÐ ¾w dÐ ¾wn becÐ °use Ð ¾f the sÐ °me hÐ °bituÐ °tiÐ ¾n which wÐ ¾uld nÐ ¾t seem sÐ ¾ exciting Ð °nymÐ ¾re. MeÐ °nwhile, my mÐ ¾ther here wÐ °s suppÐ ¾sed tÐ ¾ refer tÐ ¾ the theÐ ¾ry Ð ¾f mind Ð °nd try tÐ ¾ understÐ °nd my fÐ °ther Ð ¾r dÐ ¾ sÐ ¾mething thÐ °t wÐ ¾uld turn him Ð °wÐ °y frÐ ¾m his Ð ¾nline Ð °ddictiÐ ¾n.CÐ ¾nsequently, she wÐ ¾uld be Ð °ble tÐ ¾ cÐ ¾rrectly respÐ ¾nd Ð ¾n this situÐ °tiÐ ¾n Ð °nd Ð °vÐ ¾id their sepÐ °rÐ °tiÐ ¾n. Ð ccÐ ¾rding tÐ ¾ the theÐ ¾ry Ð ¾f mind, peÐ ¾ple shÐ ¾uld first explÐ ¾re themselves Ð °nd then try tÐ ¾ perceive Ð ¾thers. Ð s Ð ° result, this perceptiÐ ¾n wÐ ¾uld becÐ ¾me mÐ ¾re Ð °ccurÐ °te Ð °nd precise. This will Ð °llÐ ¾w them tÐ ¾ mÐ °ke better decisiÐ ¾ns Ð °nd build brighter future tÐ ¾gether. GenerÐ °l psychÐ ¾là  ¾gy enÐ °bles us tÐ ¾ hÐ °ve Ð ° better insight Ð ¾f feelings, emÐ ¾tiÐ ¾ns, Ð °nd thÐ ¾ughts which we experience Ð ¾n hÐ ¾urly bÐ °sis. In cÐ °se mentiÐ ¾ned Ð °bÐ ¾ve hÐ °bituÐ °tiÐ ¾n is Ð ° prÐ ¾blemÐ °tic issue while the theÐ ¾ry Ð ¾f mind seems tÐ ¾ be Ð ¾ne Ð ¾f the wÐ °ys Ð ¾ut. BehÐ °viÐ ¾rÐ °l ExplÐ °nÐ °tiÐ ¾ns GenerÐ °l PsychÐ ¾lÐ ¾gy ShÐ ¾rtly Ð °fter purchÐ °sing persÐ ¾nÐ °l cÐ ¾mputer, my fÐ °ther stÐ °rted using Internet Ð ¾n dÐ °ily bÐ °sis. MÐ ¾reÐ ¾ver, he wÐ ¾uld spend nights brÐ ¾wsing. MeÐ °nwhile, my mÐ ¾m wÐ °s cÐ ¾mbining her cÐ ¾llege studies (tÐ ¾ receive secÐ ¾nd educÐ °tiÐ ¾n) with wÐ ¾rk Ð °nd wÐ ¾uld usuÐ °lly cÐ ¾me bÐ °ck hÐ ¾me tÐ ¾tÐ °lly wiped Ð ¾ut. TherefÐ ¾re, she wÐ °s nÐ ¾t Ð °t first cÐ ¾ncerned with whÐ °t my fÐ °ther wÐ °s up tÐ ¾ during lÐ °te evenings Ð °nd nights since everything she wÐ °nted tÐ ¾ dÐ ¾ wÐ °s tÐ ¾ jump tÐ ¾ bed Ð °s sÐ ¾Ã ¾n Ð °s pÐ ¾ssible Ð °nd fÐ °ll Ð °sleep.HÐ ¾wever, lÐ °ter Ð ¾n everything chÐ °nged. She nÐ ¾ticed thÐ °t her husbÐ °nd wÐ ¾uld cÐ ¾me bÐ °ck hÐ ¾me lÐ °te Ð °nd even stÐ °rted spending nights Ð ¾n the Ð ¾ffice sÐ ¾fÐ °.In Ð ° few dÐ °ys she sÐ °w him getting up Ð °nd silently turning Ð ¾n his hÐ ¾me cÐ ¾mputer in the middle Ð ¾f the night. Since they hÐ °ve Ð °lreÐ °dy been mÐ °rried fÐ ¾r 15 yeÐ °rs she Ð °t first cÐ ¾nsidered it Ð °n Ð ¾n-line Ð °ddictiÐ ¾n thÐ °t hÐ °s Ð °lreÐ °dy been Ð ¾n the Ð °gendÐ ° in mÐ °ny fÐ °milies. HÐ ¾wever, she wÐ °s certÐ °in her husbÐ °nd cÐ ¾uld nÐ ¾t surf news sites Ð °ll nights lÐ ¾ng. Ð fter hÐ °ving checked Ð °ll Ð ¾f his pÐ ¾ckets Ð °nd bÐ °gs, she fÐ ¾und Ð °n Ð °nswer in his e-mÐ °il bÐ ¾x which prÐ ¾vided her with the evidence Ð ¾f Ð °n Ð ¾n-line lÐ ¾ve Ð °ffÐ °ir with Ð ° yÐ ¾ung lÐ °dy frÐ ¾m Ð °nÐ ¾ther pÐ °rt Ð ¾f the wÐ ¾rld.In Ð ° very shÐ ¾rt while she hÐ °s filed fÐ ¾r divÐ ¾rce withÐ ¾ut hÐ °ving Ð °ny hesitÐ °tiÐ ¾ns Ð ¾r regrets. With indicÐ °ted Ð °bÐ ¾ve mÐ °teriÐ °l in mind we mÐ °y stÐ °te thÐ °t the prÐ ¾blem is cleÐ °rly Ð °ssÐ ¾ciÐ °ted with Ð ¾n-line cheÐ °ting Ð °nd behÐ °viÐ ¾r which it cÐ °uses. HÐ ¾wever, the questiÐ ¾n is: cÐ °n cyber intimÐ °te relÐ °tiÐ ¾nships be still cÐ ¾nsidered Ð °s cheÐ °ting? VÐ °st mÐ °jÐ ¾rity Ð ¾f psychÐ ¾lÐ ¾gists clÐ °im Ð °lthÐ ¾ugh Ð °dultery Ð °nd cheÐ °ting typicÐ °lly hÐ °ve physicÐ °l cÐ ¾nsequences, they Ð °ll emerge in humÐ °n minds Ð °nd hÐ °ve direct cÐ ¾nnectiÐ ¾n with nervÐ ¾us system.TherefÐ ¾re, Ð ¾nline lÐ ¾ve Ð °ffÐ °ir is nÐ ¾thing but cheÐ °ting reÐ °l-life pÐ °rtners thÐ ¾ugh fÐ ¾r thÐ ¾se whÐ ¾ Ð °re invÐ ¾lved in it, it is mÐ ¾re Ð ¾f Ð °n entertÐ °inment thÐ °n seriÐ ¾us issue. They see it Ð °s unhÐ °rmful Ð °nd sÐ °fe wÐ °y tÐ ¾ cÐ °rry Ð ¾ut their fÐ °ntÐ °sies. CОNCEPT IDENTIFICÐ TIОN. TÐ ¾ investigÐ °te the issue I selected twÐ ¾ nÐ ¾tiÐ ¾ns Ð ¾f generÐ °l psychÐ ¾lÐ ¾gy: hÐ °bituÐ °tiÐ ¾n Ð °nd the theÐ ¾ry Ð ¾f mind (TОM). Ð s humÐ °n beings, we get used tÐ ¾ things. SÐ ¾mething thÐ °t is new Ð °nd incredibly exciting cÐ °n becÐ ¾me tediÐ ¾us. This trend tÐ ¾ hÐ °ve declining respÐ ¾nsiveness tÐ ¾ sÐ ¾mething is cÐ °lled hÐ °bituÐ °tiÐ ¾n (yÐ ¾u might Ð °lsÐ ¾ heÐ °r sÐ ¾meÐ ¾ne sÐ °y thÐ °t yÐ ¾u get hÐ °bituÐ °ted tÐ ¾ sÐ ¾mething).FÐ ¾r instÐ °nce, there mÐ °y be Ð ° picture yÐ ¾u reÐ °lly like sÐ ¾ yÐ ¾u put it Ð ¾n the wÐ °ll in yÐ ¾ur rÐ ¾Ã ¾m. YÐ ¾u see this picture every dÐ °y, 20 times Ð ° dÐ °y. Оver time Ð °nd repeÐ °ted expÐ ¾sures tÐ ¾ this picture yÐ ¾u might stÐ °rt feeling like yÐ ¾u've â€Å"seen it Ð ° milliÐ ¾n times† Ð °nd it just dÐ ¾esn’t hÐ °ve the sÐ °me effect Ð ¾n yÐ ¾u. This is hÐ °bituÐ °tiÐ ¾n. The fÐ ¾undÐ °tiÐ ¾nÐ °l ideÐ ° fÐ ¾r hÐ °bituÐ °tiÐ ¾n studies is thÐ °t Ð ¾nce peÐ ¾ple hÐ °ve been becÐ ¾me sÐ ¾ thÐ ¾rÐ ¾ughly fÐ °miliÐ °r with Ð ° stimulus thÐ °t they nÐ ¾ lÐ ¾nger pÐ °y Ð °ttentiÐ ¾n tÐ ¾ it, their Ð °ttentiÐ ¾n will recÐ ¾ver if Ð ° stimulus thÐ °t they recÐ ¾gnize Ð °s different is presented.In this prÐ ¾cedure, during the initiÐ °l, hÐ °bituÐ °tiÐ ¾n phÐ °se, the infÐ °nt sits Ð ¾n the pÐ °rent’s lÐ °p fÐ °cing Ð ° mÐ ¾nitÐ ¾r Ð ¾n which he/she sees Ð ° visuÐ °l imÐ °ge Ð ¾f sÐ ¾me sÐ ¾rt while listening tÐ ¾ Ð ° sÐ ¾und. The experimenter recÐ ¾rds Ð ¾n Ð °n externÐ °l cÐ ¾mputer hÐ ¾w lÐ ¾ng the infÐ °nt lÐ ¾Ã ¾ks Ð °t the mÐ ¾nitÐ ¾r while listening tÐ ¾ the sÐ ¾und. The theÐ ¾ry Ð ¾f mind is sÐ ¾mething thÐ °t Ð °ll peÐ ¾ple must develÐ ¾p in Ð ¾rder tÐ ¾ understÐ °nd the minds Ð ¾f Ð ¾ther peÐ ¾ple. We cÐ °ll it Ð ° theÐ ¾ry becÐ °use we cÐ °n never Ð °ctuÐ °lly cÐ ¾nnect with Ð °nÐ ¾ther's mind. There is nÐ ¾ Ð ¾bjective wÐ °y tÐ ¾ verify the cÐ ¾ntents Ð ¾f their cÐ ¾nsciÐ ¾usness Ð ¾r tÐ ¾ Ð °ssess their mÐ ¾tivÐ °tiÐ ¾ns Ð °nd desires.InsteÐ °d, when we interÐ °ct with Ð ¾ther peÐ ¾ple we cÐ °n Ð ¾nly guess Ð °t these things, using Ð ¾ur TОM tÐ ¾ wÐ ¾rk Ð ¾ut whÐ °t they knÐ ¾w, think Ð ¾r feel. It se ems reÐ °sÐ ¾nÐ °ble tÐ ¾ believe thÐ °t peÐ ¾ple cÐ °nnÐ ¾t understÐ °nd the desires Ð ¾r emÐ ¾tiÐ ¾ns Ð ¾f Ð ¾thers unless they Ð °re Ð °wÐ °re Ð ¾f their Ð ¾wn, Ð °nd it certÐ °inly seems tÐ ¾ be true thÐ °t TОM develÐ ¾ps Ð °lÐ ¾ngside self-Ð °wÐ °reness (the develÐ ¾pment Ð ¾f self is cÐ ¾vered in Ð ° sepÐ °rÐ °te lecture). First, children leÐ °rn tÐ ¾ recÐ ¾gnize themselves (frÐ ¾m Ð °rÐ ¾und 18 mÐ ¾nths), then tÐ ¾ express their emÐ ¾tiÐ ¾nÐ °l stÐ °tes (frÐ ¾m Ð °bÐ ¾ut twÐ ¾ yeÐ °rs). Then, they must mÐ °ke the difference between self Ð °nd Ð ¾ther.EXPLÐ NÐ TIОN. The reÐ °sÐ ¾n why my fÐ °ther wÐ °s behÐ °ving in this pÐ °rticulÐ °r wÐ °s becÐ °use during Ð °ll Ð ¾f these yeÐ °rs Ð ¾f mÐ °rriÐ °ge he hÐ °s prÐ ¾bÐ °bly Ð °lreÐ °dy gÐ ¾t used tÐ ¾ my mÐ ¾ther Ð °nd wÐ °s lÐ ¾Ã ¾king fÐ ¾r sÐ ¾me Ð ¾ther new emÐ ¾tiÐ ¾ns. This dÐ ¾es nÐ ¾t meÐ °n thÐ ¾ugh thÐ °t he wÐ °nted t Ð ¾ turn his Ð ¾n-line Ð °ffÐ °ir intÐ ¾ sÐ ¾me lÐ ¾ng-term relÐ °tiÐ ¾nships. MÐ ¾re likely, it wÐ ¾uld grÐ °duÐ °lly slÐ ¾w dÐ ¾wn becÐ °use Ð ¾f the sÐ °me hÐ °bituÐ °tiÐ ¾n which wÐ ¾uld nÐ ¾t seem sÐ ¾ exciting Ð °nymÐ ¾re. MeÐ °nwhile, my mÐ ¾ther here wÐ °s suppÐ ¾sed tÐ ¾ refer tÐ ¾ the theÐ ¾ry Ð ¾f mind Ð °nd try tÐ ¾ understÐ °nd my fÐ °ther Ð ¾r dÐ ¾ sÐ ¾mething thÐ °t wÐ ¾uld turn him Ð °wÐ °y frÐ ¾m his Ð ¾nline Ð °ddictiÐ ¾n.CÐ ¾nsequently, she wÐ ¾uld be Ð °ble tÐ ¾ cÐ ¾rrectly respÐ ¾nd Ð ¾n this situÐ °tiÐ ¾n Ð °nd Ð °vÐ ¾id their sepÐ °rÐ °tiÐ ¾n. Ð ccÐ ¾rding tÐ ¾ the theÐ ¾ry Ð ¾f mind, peÐ ¾ple shÐ ¾uld first explÐ ¾re themselves Ð °nd then try tÐ ¾ perceive Ð ¾thers. Ð s Ð ° result, this perceptiÐ ¾n wÐ ¾uld becÐ ¾me mÐ ¾re Ð °ccurÐ °te Ð °nd precise. This will Ð °llÐ ¾w them tÐ ¾ mÐ °ke better decisiÐ ¾ns Ð °nd build brighter future tÐ ¾gether. GenerÐ °l psychÐ ¾lÐ ¾gy enÐ °bles us tÐ ¾ hÐ °ve Ð ° better insight Ð ¾f feelings, emÐ ¾tiÐ ¾ns, Ð °nd thÐ ¾ughts which we experience Ð ¾n hÐ ¾urly bÐ °sis. In cÐ °se mentiÐ ¾ned Ð °bÐ ¾ve hÐ °bituÐ °tiÐ ¾n is Ð ° prÐ ¾blemÐ °tic issue while the theÐ ¾ry Ð ¾f mind seems tÐ ¾ be Ð ¾ne Ð ¾f the wÐ °ys Ð ¾ut. References

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Holistic care Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 1

Holistic care - Essay Example The researcher states that holistic care may generally utilize various healthcare forms, ranging from conventional medication to any substitute therapy for treating patients. The holistic care approach is regarded as a treatment center wherein the patients are to be treated as an entire individual. This particular approach is often viewed to be a set of procedures that are related to traditional treatment methods, delivering effective healthcare to the individuals. The fundamental, physical, psychological along with social care requirements for Errol can be identified through using a holistic approach which is associated with traditional treatment method. These have been discussed in the following discussion. In the fundamental aspect of the traditional holistic approach, deliverance of effective healthcare to a patient can be duly considered as one of the decisive constituents in promoting better quality service. The fundamental requirement of traditional based holistic approach dem ands a better interrelation between the care providers and the ones receiving care. In relation to the case of Errol, the fundamental requirement would be to seek a doctor’s advice, as his health condition degraded daily. He has developed a lot of ill habits in order to get rid of his problems. To get free of the ill habits, Errol requires practicing certain good habits and most vitally leaving drinking habit as well. The physical care requirements typically refer to the offering of effective healthcare to the patients suffering from any sort of disease. One of the physical requirements which are needed for Errol can be the intake of the medicines, prescribed by the practitioner for the improvement of his health condition. Moreover, Errol must consider the suggestions of the doctor and follow the instructions accordingly in order to enhance his health condition.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Impact of technology Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Impact of technology - Research Paper Example In fact, it manages and runs in the veins of the community and society. At the present, a technology is associated with creativity and innovation. In this scenario, it transforms the current thoughts into reality as well as into something that is supportive and helpful to culture and society and improves the standard of human life. Additionally, it brings a number of opportunities and advantages to a common person’s life. In addition, the intensity of automation that new technologies have offered has saved a lot of precious time and human capability to a huge level. It has simplified the access to information and brought distant locations much closer (LGVideoContest; Shelly, Cashman and Vermaat 23).This paper discusses the impact of technology on human life especially laptops and cell phones. This research will outline the positive and negative aspects of technology and how they affect human life. This research will outline the major aspects of IT which are transforming and im proving the traditional practices of business and daily life. Introduction Without a doubt, technology (especially information technology) nowadays plays a significant role in all areas of life. In fact, we would have never been able to know how a something can play a key role in our lives until we would have been sited back, relaxed, and seated right in front of the laptop or computer and accessed the web for the reason that its importance can’t be described in words and it plays a key role in business, family and personal life (Sohag; Worlock; FreeOnlineResearchPapers). Additionally, the new technology (cell phones and laptops) allows us to access the Internet without any problem, and it brings friends and family much closer. However, before the emergence of the Internet technology, it was not possible to keep in contact with friends and relatives all through the nation or around the world and it was very expensive. On the other hand, at the present, a person living in Loui siana currently has so many ways to communicate with family members, friends or other people who live on the other side of the world. Hence, it has facilitated a large number of people to stay in touch with one another, and they would have not been capable of doing previous to this invention (Sohag; Worlock; FreeOnlineResearchPapers). Another main advantage of technology in business side is that it facilitated the majority of business corporations to be able to connect with suppliers, employees and partners all through the world. In the same way, small businesses are able to find their customers anywhere in the globe. Additionally, organizations are currently able to hire educated personnel from anywhere in spite of where they are, significantly growing services openings. In this scenario, the Internet has offered innumerable ways to learn about new training, jobs, volunteer chances and what is happening in our area (Sohag; Worlock; FreeOnlineResearchPapers). In addition, the emerge nce of these technologies has also changed the way people shop for products and services in diverse areas of the world. Not simply do they are able to do it online, however at their own time as well as the security of their own home. What is therefore astonishing they are able to disburse bills with no wasting stamps and guaranteeing that it gets there in a timely way? The new technology, information systems and communication tools

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Administrative Law (Australia) Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Administrative Law (Australia) - Research Paper Example According to Mark Tunshets,( Jones, Ian. The anisminic revolution in Australian administrative law: an analysis of extended jurisdictional error. Turramurra, N.S.W.: Local Legal, 1998. Print.)Judicial review in Australia has a lot of authority since it is only the high court that can interpret the constitution. Judicial review in Australia is complicated by clause 5 of the constitution. This clause provides that all the amendments done by the commonwealth parliament are binding to Australia. This is because the courts mandated to interpret the law must decide if the law is binding to Australia (Canberra, 2005). The chief justice Marshall asserted that judicial review is incredibly paramount in the Australian legal system(Fordham, Michael. Judicial review handbook. 5th ed. Oxford: Portland, OR :, 2008. Print.). In 1951, justice Fellugar proposed that the principle of Madison v. Marbury is adopted as axiomatic(Johnston, Richard E.. The effect of judicial review on federal-state relatio ns in Australia, Canada, and the United States. Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press, 1969. Print.). This is because the many criticisms of the principle were accepted and justified. Despite an express implication in the constitution of Australia, judges and scholars have proposed that judicial review is paramount and has immense effects on the legal system. Judicial review is mostly done by the high courts since it is at the top of the legal structure. Though the other courts can deal with some constitutional issues, they are under the supervision by the high court. The essential jurisdiction which is conferred to High Court in section 75 is to issue prerogative and constitutional writs. This has been expanded in section  75(iii) whereby a person suing on behalf of the Commonwealth, is bonafied party.   Section 33 in the judiciary Act 1901 extends the authority of High Court to question public law (Le?tourneau 1976). A chief factor that has affected the levels of court review in High Court is the alternative remedies available which are not subject to the same limitations.   Declarations and injunctions are the key illustrations.   For instance, the declaration made by the high court that the commission on Queensland Justice did not observe fair procedures where mandamus was not appropriate and that certiorari did not mislead. Judicial decision reviews in Australia and other nations has seen the development of the legal systems. This is characterized by fair judgments, timely judgments, and equitable treatment of individuals by the judicature (Leon 1951). Though the other courts can deal with some constitutional issues, they are bound by the high court. The essential jurisdiction which is conferred in the High Court in section 75 is to issue prerogative and constitutional writs. The judicial reviews should be done with a lot of integrity because it might lead to a constitutional crisis as well as violence. No party should be biased or favored by a judicial review. The parties involved should be treated equally (Kanigsberg 1952). A) Compare the breadth and flexibility of ADJR â€Å"order of review â€Å"remedy with prerogative writs plus injunction and declaration. The judicial review remedies can be classified into three categories. These are prerogative writs, equitable remedies of injunction and declaration, and the statutory remedies. Though the other courts can deal with some constitutional issues, they are under supervision by the high court. The essential jurisdiction of the High Court in section75 (v) is to issue prero

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Effects of indiginsation policy on Entreprenuership in Zimbabwe Essay

Effects of indiginsation policy on Entreprenuership in Zimbabwe - Essay Example At the onset definition and common dynamics of indiginsation policy affecting entrepreneurial trends is presented. This presentation mainly includes the meaning of indiginsation from the economic perspective and the primary features of indiginsation policy influencing the entrepreneurial trends. This information will aid in understanding the fundamentals of indiginsation policy necessary for structuring the subsequent sections of this study. Next the discussion regarding the entrepreneurial trends in Zimbabwe has been outlined. This will facilitate in comprehending the prevailing the entrepreneurial trends in Zimbabwe as well as opportunities and challenges faced by the Zimbabwean entrepreneurial (Moore & et. al, 2013). Again, the discussion regarding the impacts of indiginsation policy on entrepreneurs in Zimbabwe has been conducted with the aim of exploring the pros and cons of this policy on the entrepreneurs. In addition, the discussion regarding the practical illustrations has b een presented. This information will help in acquiring coherent understanding regarding the impact of indiginsation policy on the economic growth and development of Zimbabwe. Lastly, the summary of the findings which include the summarized information of the contents discussed in the preceding sections. This section highlights the most relevant facts and information regarding the entrepreneurial trends in Zimbabwe and the impact of indiginsation policy on entrepreneurships. This will help to comprehend the most relevant facts in a precise manner. According to Kovacic & Shapiro (2000), the governments across the world have undertaken numerous policies and measures to promote economic growth and welfare of its citizens. These policies have profound impact on the various national and international aspects (Kovacic & Shapiro, 2000). In this regard, Wilson III (1990) noted that indiginsation is a strategy of a nation to extort greater domestic

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Heart of Darkness Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Heart of Darkness - Essay Example The narration of the book from the viewpoint of Marlow shows his own hypocrisy from the very beginning of the story when he says that even London was once one of the darkest places on earth. Even though he knows it to be true, he does not accept that the natives in the Congo could have a culture which is at least as valuable as the one which he is a part of. In fact, the narrator struggles with ‘understanding’ a culture as well as people throughout the novella. To be fair, this lack of understanding is not limited to cultures or individuals, it also extends to places as well as emotions. For instance, even though the descriptions of different locations as given by the narrator are quite extensive, he does not see beyond what is physically present. For example, he describes the Central Station as: It was on a back water surrounded by scrub and forest, with a pretty border of smelly mud on one side, and on the three others enclosed by a crazy fence of rushes. A neglected gap was all the gate it had, and the first glance at the place was enough to let you see the flabby devil was running that show. (Conrad, 1902, Pg. 35) The most important point which can be made about the narrator is that (at least for the majority of the story) he focuses on outward appearances and refuses to look for a deeper meaning in things. Even though he shows signs of being philosophically inclined, yet he either ignores or does not care to understand the region, the people or even the actions of Kurtz. Over the period of his journey, the situation changes and he develops a somewhat deeper understanding as he is changed by his surroundings in much the same way Kurtz was. The bonds of brotherhood created by race and other common factors unite Marlow and Sonny’s brother with Kurtz and Sonny respectively. It must be noted that race as a common ground for creating an understanding between people is used

Monday, September 23, 2019

Application for Family Nurse Practioner at UAB Essay

Application for Family Nurse Practioner at UAB - Essay Example The paper tells that it is the researcher’s optimum choice as the college guarantees him highly effective classes online whereby the author can continue his present job while continuing with contact classes. The conditions at my home were not favorable to me to choose a full-time course in the nursing degree with a huge responsibility to provide constant medical and emotional attention to the researcher’s ailing father. It was during those days the author got a clinical assistant’s position in a nursing home on the basis of the researcher’s life science intermediate course and the experience the author had from nursing the researcher’s people at home. The researcher learned that the UAB is fabulous as a center for nursing studies and a perfect platform for his career development through campus selections by different employers. The researcher knows, pursuing graduation in family practice nursing is a big task ahead, and he should be aware of employm ent opportunities thereafter. The researcher has read in several journals and books that the trend of clinical nursing is diverted on many occasions to specifically designed nursing homes which are usually attached to a major hospital. As Choby points out, the professional approach in handling the requirements of patients and their home care becomes an organized labor similar to large hospitals; and as a general tendency, many hospitals offer residential facility for patients unable to remain at home due to severe symptoms or choice of the patient. In the circumstances where hospitals facilitate residence for inpatients, the job of the nurse expands from clinical care to various aspects of patients’ health at home. After the bachelor’s program, the author is really enthusiastic about pursuing the Master’s in palliative care in the family practice nursing in this University.

Sunday, September 22, 2019

The conventions of a soap Essay Example for Free

The conventions of a soap Essay To deal with the following issues : The conventions of a soap, the Genre, the target audiences, sound and editing as well as the camera objectives. After initial problems in setting up a group, a selection of four students including myself were grouped together. Deadlines were given and this made it even more constraining. The soap is intended to be targeted to a mainly black/white working class audience mainly but also to a middle class, but not equally proportional. Targeting also a 16 -30 age group though preferably to 16-18 as thats the student audience, but is viewable by all other age groups. The time slot chosen is 19:00 so that it doesnt rival with the other television channels soaps at 19:30, 20:00 and 20:30 respectively. Also at this time most working parents and students would have been back at home whether it be that they perform a 9-5 occupation or unskilled late laborious work. This prequel to the soap is not an easy showing. It has taken a lot of weeks to design the script alone, and to gather characters is still yet an ongoing process. The concept of the soap involves a teacher, a main student as a lead character and then other students are merely extras with exceptions to two other female students who will have a major role in the soap. My responsibility is to be a main actor as the Teacher and to ensure that the soap gets produced, thus I am a quality assurancer which means that the work produced is looked over by myself for quality and then passed onto Taio who happens to be the director to ensure that it is viewable and acceptable for evening time television viewing as well as creating the storyboard from the scripts. Natalie who works in the group is the main script writer whilst Eastern is the associate camera man as opposed to all of us sharing roles as the camera man from time to time. I myself tried to be the camera man for a two-day shooting scene. Unfortunately, it was not at all good. Learning from this mistake I just kept to my role as an actor and both supporting the group when there and looking/editing the work. The first stage in the production process is the creation of the script. This determines not only the dialogue of a piece, but lays down the basis of the soaps plot. In modern television before a soap episode goes into production it is probable that its script has gone through a series of treatments and re-writes. Once a script is completed it is given to a producer whos job is to realise the script. When devising a script, it has come to the attention that it will need a lot of re-writes and perhaps complete changes altogether. Each member of the group has something to co-ordinate with the group as a whole on. We all have individual roles, but due to the shortages in the group of members we all help one another, thus there is no set positions. When developing the soap opera a lot of research was conducted by the group where a discussion of the characters and their personality profiles was viewed. Gender and euthanasia research was amongst the top on the list of the discussions within the group. Age and race was important as it had to show the racial and age ration being portrayed in the college and also what would be socially acceptable. We did not want this to be similar in anyway to grange hill but a real life soap scene. As it had to define possible events that occur in real life with a thrill to keep its viewers hooked. All the characters will have different traits to their personality, one of which will posses traits similar to that of dumbo type person whilst another will be superficially intelligent. The teacher character will play an important role as our research concluded that the teacher would be prejudice to students who are not similar to his norms. The settings and social issues will take place within the Bromley College Facilities and the plot will cover a teacher having taught a class and replacing a previous teacher. Due to stress of his students and how the students support the teacher and how the teacher deals with bullying as an issue. As a girl/boy relationship broken up by a girl having a relationship with an elder man from outside the college and all round arguments and troubled issues relating studies. The characters are from 16-20 in age with exception to the teacher whose age will be mid 30s. Channel 5 does not currently have an active soap and it was the prime selection especially for its informality in presenting shows of interest. The technical aspects of this soap have yet to be performed, although all the roles have been established camera recording has not been fully completed and is still in the draft basis. Evaluation The purpose of this evaluation is to analyse the project of creating a soap and all the practical aspects into the development of such a production. This is after completion of the final practical production. There were many problems associated with the production as there many advantageous developments. To create this production took time and, unfortunately as I had entered the group quite late did not have a stable role as such. Members of my original group had left the college, and thus joined another g roup before that individual was on the verge of being asked to leave the course. Thereby, I progressed into another group, which is currently the group now. However they had started to create the scenes and at the time of joining they had completed the script. Upon joining the group, it was already decided that Taio was the director, Natalie was the scriptwriter and co-director whiles Chris was the editor and Easten was the producer and cameraman. I started to assist as the cameraman, however, unfortunately it seems that it did not work out well. I was zooming too much into the picture frame similar to zooming pan shots in the movies. Although I did not get to see the footage I had taken, the group members informed me that it was bad. I was however still eager to help the group and although they had a different timetable to mine, I still came through. There were more problems as due to the class times of different lessons, not everyone from the team was available to assist in the filming. However, I made myself available or offered to help in all instances of their filming. On some instances, my help was not required as they had enough people to do it. I centred on my acting instead for the group and my role as the teacher. These were actually sub-categorised into two main scenes but were divided into at least 5 or more sub scenes. One recollective event is when filming the corridor scene where Evans played the bullied student, the scene was performed after the 4th repeated time of filming. This was because, at one point security within the college thought that an actual pupil was being bullied, and that on another ocassion the class room scene, it needed to be re-recorded again and again as our postures were incorrect. Taio being the director corrected the problems as and when they occurred and ensured that it was completed. Equipment Used: VHS Cameras for film capture Video Suite for Editing DV to VHS and VHS to DV convertors Tripods Microphones Room Microphones Natural Lighting Zoom Lenses Characters References : Source Materials Soap Operas Unveiled Terrence and Higgins Information on how to create soaps Ins and Outs of Soap Operas J.L.Kenzo Scenes and Practical aspects of soaps Media 1 Stanley Thornes Text Book for Media AS Dyer, Richard et al. 1981: Coronation Street. London: BFI Geraghty, Christine [1991]: Women and Soap Opera. Cambridge Political Press Goodwin, Andrew and Gary Whannel [Eds] [1990]: Understanding TV. London: Routledge Kilborn, Richard [1992]: Television Soaps. London: Batsford Livingstone, Sonia [1990]: Making Sense of Television. Butterworth Heinemann The Media Donated by my teacher Sean Stammers Information on the Media Official Soap site for Brookside entailing character information Tallent Information on creating scripts and soaps Channel where soap should be aired and tv guide listing

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Proposed Mexican Business Essay Example for Free

Proposed Mexican Business Essay A business plan is very important guide that directs the management of the business or organization towards achieving its goals. Analysis of the market in which a business is venturing is very essential. This gives a clear picture of the entire market that the business is getting into. This paper will look at the economic, demographic and socio-economic details of each major state in Mexico. This paper will further go ahead to explain both the foreign and the foreign and the domestic banks that are operating in Mexico. This paper also includes detailed ideas about recruitment of employees in Mexico. Finally it gives extensive information about the American companies that are operating in Mexico. Mexico is known to be a constitutional republic federally based in North America. It is bordered on the northern side by United States. The North Pacific Ocean borders this republic on the south and the western sides. Mexico is highly referred to as the United Mexico States. The Caribbean Sea is very visible on the southeast part of Mexico. It consists of many states which are thirty one in number. Mexico City is known to be one of the most populated cities in the world. (Crandall, 2004) Mexico as earlier on illustrated has got approximately thirty one states. They include Sonora, Baja California, Chihuahua, Coahuila, Nuevo Leon, Tomaulipas, Durango, Baja California Sur, Chiapas, Guerrero, Jalisco, Nayarit, SLP, Oaxaca, Campeche and Vera Cruz among others. These Mexican states are also divided into different municipalities. In the year 1900, the population in Mexico was approximately 13.6 million.   The demographics of Mexican states are as follows. Michoacan state is known to have the lowest population growth. Quintana Roo has the highest population growth rate. These two states are the least populated. Baja California has Sur and Baja California has the highest migration rate. Below are the demographics by city and state. Rank    Core City   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   State      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Pop  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Rank   Ã‚   Core City   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   State      Ã‚  Ã‚  Pop 1   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Mexico City   Ã‚   DF   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   19,231,829   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   11   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Queretaro   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   QT   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   918,100 2   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Guadalajara   Ã‚  Ã‚   JA   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   4,095,853   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   12   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Merida   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   YU   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   897,740 3   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Monterrey   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   NL   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   3,664,331   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   13   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Mexicali   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   BC   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   855,962 4   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Puebla   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   PB  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   2,109,049  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   14   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Aguascalientes AC  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   805,666 5   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Toluca   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   ME   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   1,610,786   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   15   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Tampico   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   TM   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   803,196 6   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Tijuana   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   BC   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   1,483,992   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   16   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Culiacan   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   SI   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   793,730 7   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Leon   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   GT  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   1,425,210  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚      17  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Cuernavaca   Ã‚  Ã‚   MO   Ã‚  Ã‚   787,556 8   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Juarez   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   CH  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   1,313,338  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   18   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Acapulco   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   GR   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   786,830 9   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Torreon   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   CO   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   1,110,890   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   19   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Chihuahua   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   CH   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   784,882 10   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   San Luis Potosi SL   Ã‚  Ã‚   957,753   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   20   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Morelia   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   MI   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   735,624 The economy in this nation is firmly established. It is known to be the world’s 12th largest in line with its economy. This is according to GDP and PPP. This nation has an economy that is highly diversified. The infrastructure is quite developed in terms of telecommunications, airports, distribution of gas, railroads and seaports among other sectors. (Denizer, 1997) The socio-economics data reveals that the population in this nation that is in extreme poverty has tremendously decreased from twenty four point one percent to approximately sixteen point nine percent. This is according to the World Bank. It is however very evident that there are huge disparities in the incomes of the poor and the wealthy in the nation. There are also remarkable differences between the south and the northern areas of Mexico. These differences still exist amongst the urban and the rural areas. The contrasts are quite sharp in relation to human development and income levels. These issues still remain to be quite problematic in Mexico. Poverty has been reduced in Mexico through the increase in the middle class purchasing power. The inflation in Mexico is as low as 3.3%. This has resulted in middle class people in this nation having a credit consumption that is quite high. There is great stability in the nation in terms of monetary terms.   Through remittances from citizens in Mexico, poverty has been greatly alleviated. The infrastructure in Mexico is quite developed and this makes it very easy to carry out business in this republic. This is in terms of the road network. Chiapas State in Mexico is very developed in terms of the infrastructure. There are both foreign and domestic banks in Mexico. Research shows that Mexico allowed foreign banks to open up branches therein. This was made easy through foreign acquisitions of the various domestic banks in Mexico. It is very clear that foreign banks in Mexico are more profitable when compared to the domestic banks in Mexico.   This shows that foreign banks have had positive impacts on the entire banking sector. Citibank is one of the foreign banks that started operating in Mexico in the year 1994. This bank is U.S based. This was through the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). (Houghton, 1999) Other foreign banks that are operating in Mexico include Scotiabank, HSBC, Banco Santander and BBVA. Banco Santander is based in Spain, Scotiabank is in Canada, and HSBC is in U.K while BBVA is in Spain. Among the domestic banks include Banco de Azteca. The other prominent domestic bank that is operating in Mexico is called Barnote. It is highly known even among the locals for its excellent services.] Recruitment is a very essential part of organizational management. This is due to the fact that this process enables an organization to get qualified professionals that are quite competent in carrying out the tasks assigned to them. Critical analysis of the entire business sector shows the way it carries out this important task. Looking at most of the organizations in Mexico, they carry out recruitment process through advertising of the vacant posts. Many organizations advertise in their Company websites, they also place advertisements in newspapers and sometimes over the radio. The management clearly indicates the desired qualifications of potential employees. Interested candidates then send their particulars (these are the cover letter and C.V) to the organization either by post or by electronic media. The application letters and C.Vs are then analyzed and the qualified candidates are then short listed. These are then communicated to such that they attend an oral or written interview depending on the organization. Some organizations use both methods. Some organizations carry out one and others two interviews with the potential candidates. Those who pass the interviews are either communicated to trough post or through telephone. The qualified candidates are then incorporated into the organization where they go through training or induction in relation to their work or job profile. All these normally result in organizations having qualified employees. This process is carried out by the management team in organizations in Mexico without favoritism. There are different American Companies that are operating in Mexico. Most of these Companies are very successful. Amongst the American Companies that are successfully operating in Mexico include Diners Club, Master Card and American Express Bank. These Companies are well known in the Mexican Republic and their profit margins are very high. Research shows that there are very many factors that have made American Companies operating in Mexico to be successful. (Houghton, 1999)   One of the major factors that have made these Companies to be successful is the NAFTA initiative. Through this it has become very easy for the American based Companies to start up branches in Mexico. The management in these Companies is very sound. This is bearing in mind that these organizations have been in existence for some time. There are various strategies that the American companies that are based in Mexico use. These strategies include marketing both through online and offline means. The online means that are highly used by these successful Companies include the use of internet advertising. Before these organizations or Companies start up their branches in Mexico, they normally carry out adequate research. This is in relation to the competitor companies in the market and their prices. Through this they then strategize by carrying out product differentiation and this enables them to have a place in the market. Among the strategies that that American Companies that are based in Mexico employ include PESTLE analysis and SWOT analysis. In the PESTLE analysis they consider the political, Economic, Social, Technical and legal factors that would affect the business. With this information at hand, the Companies succeed very easily. Another strategy that is incorporated is ensuring that most of the employees in the Companies are citizens of Mexico. Through this, they find favor with the people and therefore market penetration becomes easy since the people identify with the organizations. The Companies are known to get involved in corporate social responsibilities in Mexico. (Robert, 2006) This gives the Company better standing in the Mexican Republic and therefore enhances their overall success. Most of the American based Companies that are operating in Mexico normally use their manufactured products to test the market before they open up branches in Mexico. This becomes very easy for the Companies to gain more customers in the long run. (Krauze, 1998) In conclusion, a business plan clearly gives a business the required guidelines. Mexico is a republic that is found in North America. There are approximately thirty one states in Mexico. The demographics of this nation reveal that the urban states are highly populated compared to the rural towns. The economy of Mexico is very stable and well established. In fact it is known to be the 12th wealthy nation worldwide. The socio-economics of this nation shows that there are high disparities between the rich and the poor. The infrastructure on the other hand is very well developed. This is in terms of telecommunications, road network and information technology network. There are both domestic and foreign banks in Mexico. The foreign banks include Scotia bank, HSBC, Banco Santander and BBVA. Domestic banks include Banco de Azteca and Barnote. Successful American Companies operating in Mexico include American Express, Diners Club and Master Card. They ensure that they carry out extensive marketing analysis before opening branches in Mexico. This enables them to succeed. Reference: Crandall, R. (2004): Mexicos Domestic Economy; Policy Options and Choices; Mexicos Democracy at Work; New York; Lynne Reinner Publishers Denizer, C. (1997): The Effects of Financial Liberalization and New Bank Entry on Market Structure and Competition in Turkey; New York; Melbourne Press   Houghton, M. (1999): Mexico in Perspective; 3rd edition; New York; McGraw Hill   Krauze, E. (1998): Mexico: Biography of Power; Modern Mexico; 1996- 2007; New York; Melbourne Press Robert, C. (2006): Foreign Bank Entry; Experience; Implications for Developing Economies; New York; Free Press

Friday, September 20, 2019

Leadership examples | Robert Kuok Hock Nien

Leadership examples | Robert Kuok Hock Nien Leadership can be defined as a persons ability to let others willing to follow leadership. Every organization needs leaders at all levels. Leaders can be found and nurtured if you look at the following character traits. Visionary leader has a clear, vivid picture of where to go, and firmly grasp that looks like what is success and how to achieve it. But it is not enough to have a vision; leaders also must be shared and put into practice. Jack Welch, the former chairman and chief executive officer of General Electric Company, said, Good business leaders create a vision, a clear vision, passion, vision and relentlessly drive it through. (Investing Value) The leader must be able to communicate, buy its followers in his or her vision. He or she must communicate clearly and enthusiasm, passion is contagious. Besides that, a good leader must have the discipline and single-minded in his or her vision, as well as to guide his or her actions, and to the goals of the team. The action is a sign of the leader. A leader does not suffer analysis paralysis, but the thing to do is always in pursuit of the vision, inspire others to do the same. The simplest definition for leadership is a leader having followers. According to Keith Grint, leadership is not simply to delineate a space in a language game, and it is not merely a game of sophistry; indeed, we dont need to agree on the definition but we need to be able to understand each others position so as to make sense of each others arguments (Grint, 2010). A good leader will lead the organization to a better future and also provide benefits to society. The characteristics of a leader also important because it may affect the society when the leader became the role model of the world. Peoples will practice what the leader done to become the way success. Objectives To learn more about those succeed leadership To identified the way of the leaders succeed To compare the similarity and the difference between those leaders To understand the characteristics of each leader Research methodology During this assignment, most of my information came from internet and also refers from some reference book to get more details to support what I need to do. Besides that, I do ask for some peoples opinion on the leader that I had chosen to understand the reason why and how the leader influenced the world and also the person himself/ herself. Literature review The simplest definition for leadership is a leader having followers. According to Keith Grint, leadership is not simply to delineate a space in a language game, and it is not merely a game of sophistry; indeed, we dont need to agree on the definition but we need to be able to understand each others position so as to make sense of each others arguments (Grint, 2010). Leadership ability, which means that the leader has the ability to do something through talent and technology (Smith, 2010). Talent is natural and technical capabilities through training and experience. Talent is certainly helpful, but not required. I know many people are born with leadership close to zero, but become great leaders through training, experience, and most importantly, persistence (Smith, 2010). Good leadership is critical to a successful school. Success comes from aiming high with the clear vision, ethos and communication that good leadership brings. We will act to support high quality school leadership and inspired ambitious school communities. (Ambitious, Excellent Schools Our Agenda for Action, Scottish Executive, 2004, p5) Even more recently, it is not an isolated activity, investment in a person, but all kinds of people, and contributes to the leadership of effective leadership, leadership distribution. If this happens, then the leadership willing to go beyond the individual management training, the need to obtain a wider development team leadership: leadership skills, how to develop? The new qualification is called the National Professional Qualification in Integrated Centre Leadership (National College for School Leadership, 2005): It is acknowledged that the early leadership with distinctive emphases, especially in the development of integrated services and hybrid models of the staff continue to be a feature of the early childhood work. One view was that the leadership is personal qualities, therefore, the single leadership role, the concept of competition and power of the built-in (Thornton, 2005) does not sit easily with the cooperation of the way early childhood education practice basis. Early years before school services are often non-hierarchical, and the majority of women workers (Ebbeck and Waniganayake, 2003; Rodd, 2005). Fairly flat structure means, assigned leadership models are often enough to be the priority in the early childhood setting, although in pen green (Pen Green, 2005) asserts that if we transform the life chances of children can only be completed by the far-sighted leadership. Early childhood sector continues to grow; we are now the majority of families use of pre-school education (Scottish Executive, 2004a). These different settings often have a different concept, structure and quality assurance of various models: Muijs et al (2004) report that they are inspected by different bodies. Solly (2003) conducted a study finds that there is regarded as a leader in setting the differences in the various types of child care. Pre-school, primary school, private and voluntary settings, respondents believe that a single leader, but a formal leadership kindergarten celebration and centers of excellence provide a broader interpretation. Early education to clarify their leadership, according to a different set, they are based. For example, Osgood reported that private sector providers are easier to apply business principles, a set of management and volunteer management department set less comfortable with entrepreneurship agenda (Osgood, 2004). Management kindergartens tend to have a collaborative leadership and community-centered way, jeopardize the gains for fear of competition (Osgood, 2004). The leader sex may be a way, in addition to the education sector leadership in early childhood. Rhoda (2005), women determine the concept and need to be led by the question: What kind of leadership could mean that early childhood services, they may lack of understanding. Involving sets (Dunlop, 2005), the relationship between the concept of leadership in the department, has more in common with early childhood education teaching method than the traditional business philosophy, leadership. There is a view that the different leadership styles of men and women leaders: Recent research has provided no evidence to support this (Muijs). However, Solly (2003) found that the majority of early childhood leaders, in his study that the difference between the department and other leadership styles. A social constructivist mode of learning often early years, advocates, Solly found that leaders of early childhood education itself active learning tendency to make others. The participants felt that the advantage of their own propaganda, inspiration, enthusiasm, and spirit, are lifelong learners and teamwork (Solly, 2003). In my opinion, I do agree that some leader was born to be but most of them were made. Nobody will be the perfect one but after trained, most of the attitude will bring up after training to become a leader. Finding The leaders that I choose for my assignment is the co-founders of Amway Richard Devos and Jay Van Andel, and the chairman of Shangri-La Hotels and Resorts chain Robert Kuok Hock Nien. Background Richard Devos Mr. Richard M. DeVos, the rich is the co-founder of the Amway Corporation, and served as vice president. Rich DeVos met a founding partner of Amway Corporation, the lifetime friend Jay Van Andel in high school Houdiweishi willing to pay 25 cents a week, bike to school. In 1949, Mr. DeVos formation of JA-RI, and began selling the product direct sales basis. In 1959, he founded Amway Corporation (short form as American Way) and Van Andel and start selling to friends, family, and door-purpose cleaner. DeVos to step down in 1993, Doug, his son took over as president of the company. In October 2000, Amway has been one of four subsidiaries of a new holding company, Alticor, Access Business Group LLC, a provider of business services, and Jetstar operations in North America, based on the Web three sister companies: Access Business Group LLC., a business services provider, and Quixtar Inc., a Web-based business in North America. He served as the founding chairman of the National Organization on Disability. He is the Chairman of the National Basketball Association. He served as chairman of the Direct Selling Association. He served as a director and founder of the company Alticor. Amway Chairman of the Foundation for the Protection of the Environment, he served as a board member of the National Organization on Disability, the Board of Directors, Gerald R Ford Foundation: Member, Board of Directors, the governor of Florida; Northwood University the Council freedom trustee: an honorary member of the Committee, DeVos Childrens Hospital; researcher, the worlds scholarship at Duke University, Edinburgh Award, Newcomen Society: Board of Directors of the past, the spectrum of health; container president, before the fiscal Chairman of the National Policy Committee, the Republican National Committee, the Chairman of the Committee of AIDS past members. He was in the U.S. Air Force 1944-1946. A well-known speaker, Mr. DeVos has appeared around the world hundreds of thousands of people. Recorded lectures, sales to the United States, free economy Education Foundation, the Alexander Hamilton Award, he wrote three books: believe, compassionate capitalism, and I sincerely hope that ten lessons in life and I really hope, 10 lessons of 71-year-old, his heart transplant, and provide such perseverance, confidence, confidence, respect and faith, life, life-changing experience. September 1991, Mr. DeVos and his family obtained the National Basketball Association, the Orlando Magic franchise he received numerous awards and honors, including: Davenport University Outstanding Business Award 2000: We can make a difference to pay tribute to the life Award in 1999 from West Michigan, the government hopes, Humanitarian Award, in 1999, the American Spirit Award, the Republican House of Representatives and the Senate in the 1998 Junior Achievement National Business Hall of Fame in 1998. Professor Horatio Alger in 1996 Horatio Alger Award, Edison Award in 1994 by the American associate professor of marketing: a year in the Adam Smith Free Enterprise Award from the American Legislative Exchange Council 1993: Donald J. Potter Humanitarian Award by the YMCA Heritage Club Grand Rapids, Michigan in 1993, the social responsibility of entrepreneurs year 1992, the annual implementation, sales and marketing, University of Arizona, 1991: William Booth Award Salvation Army in 1990, appointed by the competent international school achievement Charter in 1990, the United Nations Environment Programme Achievement Award of the organization, to accept on behalf of Amway in 1989, Napoleon Hill Gold Medal Corporate Achievement Award in 1989, greatly Grand Rapids business hall of fame in the 1989 Entrepreneur of the Year in 1988, the University of Missouri, 1979 Direct Marketing Association Hall of Fame Award, Outstanding Management Award, Industry Week, freedom of speech, Thomas Jeffer son Award, Kiwanis: American Enterprise award-winning senior management of National Association ; can accommodate 10 honorary doctorate degrees different colleges and universities throughout the country, and honor due to OMICRON Delta Kappa, the national leadership of the association. In April 1998, his family through the RDV sports was named WNBA franchise the right International in Orlando Miracle Mr. DeVos and his family have Orlando Sun Bear Hockey League. He is a Grand Rapids Christian high school graduates and participants Calvin College in Grand Rapids. Today the company, now operated by Alticor in 2000 after the reorganization under the umbrella of the revenue of $ 10.9 billion, 17% in 2011, the 11th time in 12 years the company has recorded an increase in sales. DeVos also owns the Orlando Magic. He built a new arena for the team at the Amway Arena in 2010, $ 480 million. Jay Van Andel June 3, 1924, was born in Grand Rapids, Michigan, died of Parkinsons disease, December 7, 2004, in Ada, MI. Entrepreneurs. Van Andel has become a pilgrimage site belong to evangelical Protestant denominations, Christian Reformed Church Dutch immigrants. Christian high school in the city, the Van Andel and DeVos, began his flight school after returning to service in the Army Air Corps during World War II. They opened a restaurant in the hard butter hamburger fry recipe from their mother, but later sold to the two companies, and buy a Caribbean cruise. They plan to start a business seagoing, but they returned to Cuba and Grand Rapids near the ship was damaged. Amway co-founder Jay Van Andel, grown into one of the most impressive and controversial success story in the U.S. business. Van Andel architect Amway attractive direct marketing strategy, through personal contact network sales of consumer goods, but the company from consumer watchdog groups, sometimes attracted unfavorable attention. Along with the long-term business partner Richard DeVos and Van Andel is the most prominent business leaders in a Michigan Republican and conservative political causes and generous contributions. Van Andel and DeVos business, import and export called Nutrilite supplement manufacturers. Use what they have learned, from the sale of your friends and family, they founded Amway in the basement of the family Van Andel in 1959 LOC, full-featured household cleaners. Their company name to American way, and relies on a multi-level marketing scheme. New sales recruits will buy the goods and the price tag as an independent distributor for sale to others. However, the key to success is to recruit other people to join the team to grow sales, independent distributors will receive a percentage of the profits from sales of their recruits; returns. Van Andel wrote all sales and marketing materials in the early stages of Amway expanded to include self-help books and tapes incentives. Also to be sold to independent distributors of new recruits and various brands of Amway products gradually extended to almost all consumer goods, from soap to vitamins. Amway basic knowledge of free enterprise, and motivate the sales mix is à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ ¹Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ ¹not without its critics, and some are not satisfied with the members who claim that the company is what is essentially a large-scale fraud. It was investigated by the U.S. Federal Trade Commission for several years, but the founder is connected to the Grand Rapids birth Republicans will go to the White House in 1974, Gerald Ford, to help it to avoid further investigation. Amway cannot escape investigation, however, making a false report tax evasion charges brought in 1983 by the Government of Canada through the United States and Canada boundary value goods. Amway paid a fine of $ 58000000, which is the largest ever imposed on Canadian history. Amway was an international context and a large number of members in China and other Asian countries during the 1990s. The company eventually changed its name to Alticor, is considered worth $ $ 62000000000 in 2004. Van Andel retired in 1995, will no longer serve as Chairman of the Company, and continue to be involved in philanthropy. He and DeVos generously to various city cultural institutions Grand Rapids, in various projects, bear the name of Van Andel Van Andel Institute, dedicated to education and medical research. He also funded a plant in Arizona, hoping to prove through scientific methods, that the world is the highest in six days, the Christian Bible. He is also an enthusiastic donor to Republican coffers and donated $ 2000000 in the presidential campaign in 2004, the United States, resulting in a series of television commercials, questioned the value of the Democratic Party, the White House is hoping John Kerry (John Kerry) the development and experience of the organization . Big Rapids Hoekstra married Betty Van Andel in 1952, he had four children. He owns a private island, and later years, Van Andel died in January 2004 in the British Virgin Islands family where he spent his last few weeks, too. He returned to Michigan and December 7, 2004, aged 80, after suffering from Parkinsons disease for several years, died at his home in Ada, Michigan. He is survived by his son, Steve, and Dave, his daughter Nan and spines, and ten grandchildren. Forbes estimated his personal wealth at $ 29 billion. For me, the biggest source of pleasure rather than the acquisition of material things are endless, but to create wealth, give up, he wrote in his autobiography of 1998, a proactive life, according to Uncle Adam. Mr. Sitan in the Washington Post. The job of everyone on this planet is the ultimate glory of God. Van Andel died in 2004 at age 80 due to heart failure. Robert Kuok Hock Nien Robert Kuok was born on October 6, 1923, in Johor Bahru and his three brothers, youngest. He is an influential member of the Malaysian Chinese business. According to Forbes magazine estimated his net worth is about $ 90 billion, which makes him the richest man in Southeast Asia. In addition to a large number of enterprises in Malaysia, his companies have investments in many countries in Asia. His business interests consist of sugar cane plantations (Perlis Plantations Bhd), sugar refining, flour milling, animal feed, oil and mining to finance, hotels, real estate, trade and transport (International Shipping Corporation, Transmile Group) and publications. Just like Boon Siew and Lim Goh Tong, who emigrated from China, Kuoks father arrived in Malaya from Fujian, China in the early 20th century. And unlike the late Boon Siew and Goh Tong, Kuok is an educated rich man (Unknown, 2010). He received his early education in English schools and then enrolled into Raffles College in Singapore, with Lee Kuan Yew as one of the classmates. He had a short stint working with Japanese companies, Mitsubishi after studies at Raffles was stopped because the invasion of Japan, before helping his father with the trade business. After the death of his father, Kuok and his two brothers have decided to continue the legacy business, starting with the distribution of sugar and some other commodities under the new post-colonial government (Ikhwan, 2011). Business skills they have picked up from their father, who is an avid trader. In 1961, he made a coup by buying cheap sugar from India before the price goes up. Kuok massive involvement in the sugar industry allows the company to be a supplier of open government and Kuok sugar refinery plant to grow again. At the height of his business, he has control of 80% of the Malaysian sugar market with production of 1.5 million tons, equivalent to 10% of the global export market, and so earned his nickname Sugar King of Asia. Encouraged by the success of his sugar business, Kuok has fastened his growing business into flour milling, shipping, logistics, oil and gas and hotel. His resurrections to success are fame and famous due to both his expertise in spotting opportunities and strong network with great people, corporations and governments. In 1971, he built the first Shangri-La Hotel in Singapore. His foray into Hong Kong property is in 1977, when he acquired a new piece of land reclaimed Tsim Sha Tsui East waterfront, where he built a second hotel, the Kowloon Shangri-La. Kuok controls the Shangri-La hotel chain and is the largest shareholder of Transmile Group Berhad, which is engaged in accounting irregularities scandal in 2007, the stock price goes down. In addition, he took Kerry Group a34.9% interest in the South China Morning Post from Murdochs News Corporation in 1993. He said his hotel check every now and then to ensure that staff provides the highest quality service. There are times when he inv ited the taxi driver for a free lunch at the hotels cafe. Kuok is considered a man of truth when dealing with people, including employees. There are stories Kuok sought permission from cabin crew to smoke in an airplane he owns. When the crew told him that he would not have to ask anyone, he responded by saying that he was only asked in a normal passenger capacity. His company has investments in many countries, including Singapore, Thailand, China, Indonesia, Fiji and Australia. Business in China includes 10 bottling companies Coca Cola, ownership of the World Trade Centre Beijing. Confirmed his political influence he was named by one of the childs future advisor Hong Kong in the run up to the transfer of sovereignty of Hong Kong, and minority interests in CITIC Pacific. He also played an important role in disseminating information and set up a meeting between Malaysia and China governments leading to full diplomatic cross recognition between the two countries. Kuok has married twice and has eight children. He officially retired from the Kerry Group on 1 April, 1993. Now, Kuok Khoon Ean, one of the sons of Robert, handl es most of the day-to-day operations of the business. He was living in Hong Kong at this time. Kuok Group started business as Kuok Brothers Limited in the year 1949 in Johor Bahru, Malaysia, trading rice, sugar and wheat flour. Business activity expanded in 1953 with the opening of the Singapore Branch, Kuok (Singapore) Limited. From a humble beginning, the Kuok Group has grown to become one of the most diverse multinational conglomerate and dynamic in Asia. Driving force behind the growth of the Group is Kuok family, whose vision and commitment to hard work and excellence for more than two generations have made à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ ¹Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ ¹Kuok Group market leader in many areas. From the beginning of its operations, the Group has set forth the basic values à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ ¹Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ ¹of integrity, loyalty and discipline. These values à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ ¹Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ ¹have served as the basis for achievement during the past 46 years. From a trading post established in Malaysia and Singapore, the Group has expanded its operations in the 1950s and 1960s to Thailand and Indonesia. It focuses on the activities of ancillary and related to growth, and also pursued new business and trade opportunities, particularly in commodities, resulting in a trading relationship with companies in Hamburg, Paris, London and New York. Hong Kong and China become the focus of further development in the region in 1980 after a group of senior man agers 1970sand established Kerry Holdings Limited in Hong Kong in 1974. The name Kerry has become identified with the Kuok Groups extensive operations in Hong Kong and China. The Group has built a management team with great depth and breadth of experience and knowledge. The team continues to focus on herself for the Groups business expansion, particularly in emerging markets in Asia, in areas that complement the Groups business, especially in emerging markets in Asia, in areas that complement the Groups interests and expertise. Central to its future growth is a commitment to maintain the values à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ ¹Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ ¹that lie at the heart of the Kuok Groups success. To spend money is to earn money.If the food in the staff canteen is good, the food in the hotel is good. (Quotes from Robert Kuok) Company profile Amway (Amway) People helping people, people live better life. Amway is one of the worlds largest direct selling businesses powered by: Brands That Do Wonders Opportunities That Empower Relationships That Endure Global Citizenship Thats Purposeful Amway is above all a family company. Steve Van Andel and Doug DeVos lead a diverse global management team that supports distributors and their goals. Jay Van Andel, said of the company, AMWAY gets people into a new life of excitement, promise, profit, and hope. AMWAY now operates in over 80 countries and territories around the world. For over 50 years, Amway continue to build on the original values and principles established by our founders to ensure the passion for the business stays alive. Freedom Personal opportunity and economic opportunity go hand in hand. With AMWAY you have the freedom to change your life by owning your own business. Family We all need family to cheer us on. We are all members of the global Amway family we respect and take care of each other to foster success. Hope Inspiring you to dream bigger. Amway creates an environment where hope can thrive. Reward Happiness is best achieved through earned success. Amway rewards what you achieve, and also what you help others achieve. Vision and values We work each and every day to help people live better lives. We achieve our vision by helping people everywhere discover their potential and achieve their goals by offering better brands and opportunities for the future, and by sharing generously with the global community. To help us realize our vision, we have six enduring values that the business has been built on. Said co-founders of Amway. Partnership AMWAY is built on the concept of partnership between the co-founders. The partnership that exists among the founding families, employees, and business owners is our most prized possession. We always try to do what is in the long-term best interest of our partners, in a manner that increases trust and confidence. Integrity Integrity is essential to our business success. We do what is right, not just whatever works. AMWAYs success is measured not only in economic terms, but by the respect, trust and credibility. Personal Worth We also acknowledge the uniqueness created in each individual. Every person is worthy of respect, and deserves fair treatment and the opportunity to succeed to the fullest extent of his or her potential. Achievement We are builders and encouragers. We strive for excellence in all we do. Our focus is on continuous improvement, progress and achievement of individual and group goals. We anticipate change, respond swiftly to it, take action to get the job done, and gain from our experiences. We encourage creativity and innovation. Personal Responsibility Each individual is responsible and accountable for achieving personal goals, as well as giving 100 percent effort in helping achieve corporate or team goals. By helping people help themselves, we further the potential for individual and shared success. We also have a responsibility to be good citizens in the communities where we live and work. Free Enterprise We are proud advocates of freedom and free enterprise. Human economic advancement is clearly proven to be best achieved in a free market economy.5.2.2 Shangri-La Hotels and Resort Chain (Shangri-La Hotels and Resorts) The Shangri-La story began in 1971 with their first deluxe hotel in Singapore. Inspired by the legendary land featured in James Hiltons 1933 novel, Lost Horizon, the name Shangri-La encapsulates the serenity and service for which our hotels and resorts are renowned worldwide. Today, Hong Kong-based Shangri-La Hotels and Resorts is Asia Pacifics leading luxury hotel group, Shangri-La Hotels Group are also regarded as one of the worlds finest hotel ownership and management companies. With 75 hotels and resorts throughout Asia Pacific, North America, the Middle East, and Europe, the Shangri-La group has a room inventory of over 30,000. In addition, new hotels are under development in mainland China, India, Malaysia, Mongolia, Philippines, Qatar, Sri Lanka, Turkey and United Kingdom. The Shangri-La S logo, which resembles uniquely Asian architectural forms, suggests majestic mountains reflected in the waters of a tranquil lake. Shangri-La Hotels are five-star luxury hotels located in premier city addresses across Asia, Middle East, North America and Europe. To treat a stranger as one of our own characterizes the hospitality one can expect from Shangri-La. Discerning travelers will enjoy world-class service amidst tranquil surroundings, coupled with inspirational architecture and design. The finest dining experiences at every hotel and resort ensure that every palate is pampered. But what makes each stay truly memorable is something even more exquisite and rare Shangri-Las special kind of hospitality. Hospitality from the heart. Shangri-La Asia Ltd. is the Asias leading luxury hotel and the fastest growing group. The company, part of Malaysias Kuok Group, operates 45 hotels across Asia. In2005, the company also started to drive to the markets of Europe and North America, including the launch of the construction of the first hotel in Europe, in London, is expected to be completed in 2009. The company also opened its first hotel in the Middle East, in Dubai, and the Maldives. Mainland China, however, form the heart of the empire, with more than 20 hotels in operation, and at least 15 more are expected to open before 2010.Shangri-La is unusual among international hotel companies that it owns the bulk of its hotel. So, the hotels under management are not fully owned by the group, most of which are owned by other companies Kuok Group, and especially by the major shareholders own Shangri-La, Kerry Properties Ltd. Shangri-La hotel mainly operates under the luxury, the five-star Shangri-La brand. The company also op erates a small number of mid-range business-oriented hotel Traders. Listed in Hong Kong and the Stock Exchange of Singapore, Shangri-La remains a small part of the Kuoks business empire. However, founder Robert Kuok holds an active interest in the group, and has expressed his desire to see Shangri-La achieve 100 hotels in life. In 2004, the company recorded revenues of $ 726 million. Inspired by the legendary land featured in James Hilton novel Lost Horizon published in 1933, the name Shangri-La include relaxation and services Shangri-La is renowned worldwide. The group has two brands of Shangri-La and Traders hotels. Shangri-La properties are particularly luxurious five star city centre and resort hotels with the majority of city centre hotel has over 500 guest rooms, while the resort properties tend to be a little smaller. Shangri-La tradition of service excellence begins with the opening of Shangri-La Hotel, Singapore in 1971. These 15 acres of landscaped gardens, the rooms are beautiful and gracious Asian style set a new standard for excellence in the hotel, which to this day continues to guide the design characteristics of the group. Training is a priority Shang ri-La and important source provided annually to ensure employees have the skills and knowledge to be the best in their respective fields. This has earned awards and recognition from the international group of guests, prestigious magazines as well as industry partners and made à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ ¹Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ ¹Shangri-La hotel one of the employer of choice, with more than 30,000 people serving guests with a philosophy of Shangri-La Hospitality from Caring People. Since its origin, the group has grown rapidly to meet the growing demand for deluxe hotels and resorts in Asia Pacific and the capital of the most sought after leisure destinations. Today, there are 65 properties, which are only 18 third-party management agreements, across Asia-Pacific, North America and the Middle East, representing a rooms inventory of over 28,000. In addition, there are over 40 projects under development, including the location in Austria, Canada, mainland China, France, India, Macau, Malaysia, Philippines, Qatar, Russia, Se

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Reconstruction Essay examples -- essays research papers

Victoria Hubble February 8, 2000 Reconstruction The Reconstruction, a time most people would call a rebirth, succeeded in few of the goals that it had set out to achieve within the 12 years it was in progress. It was the reconstruction’s failure in its objectives, that brought forth the inevitable success in changing the South, as well as the countless African Americans living in it as well as the countless African Americans living in it at the time. There were three goals the reconstruction set, and failed to achieve, as well as emphasizing the profound effect it had on the south, and an entire race. In the South the Reconstruction period was a time of readjustment accompanied by disorder. Southern whites wished to keep blacks in a condition of quasi-servitude, extending few civil rights and firmly rejecting social equality. Blacks, on the other hand, wanted full freedom and, above all, land of their own. Inevitably, there were frequent clashes. Some erupted into race riots, but acts of terrorism against individual black leaders were more common. During this turmoil, Southern whites and blacks began to work out ways of getting their farms back into operation and of making a living. Indeed, the most important developments of the Reconstruction era were not the highly publicized political contests but the slow, almost imperceptible changes that occurred in southern society. Blacks could now legally marry, and they set up conventional and usually stable family units; they quietly seceded from the white churches and formed their own religious organizations, which became a central point for the black community. Without land or money, most freedmen had to continue working for white masters; but they were now unwilling to labor in gangs or to live in the old slave quarters under the eye of the plantation owner. The governments set up in the Southern states under the congressional program of Reconstruction were, contrary to traditional cliches, fairly honest an d effective. Though the period has sometimes been labeled "Black Reconstruction," the Radical governments in the south were never dominated by blacks. There were no black governors, only two black senators and a handful of congressmen, and only one legislature controlled by blacks. Those black who did hold office appear to have been about equal in competence and honesty to the whites. it i... ...have political power, the right to a good education, and much more. After Republicans lost interest in supporting African American rights and Democrats regained political and economic control of the South, the racially segregated and capitalist government flourished again. The Reconstruction did, for a short time, transform the South for African Americans, but most rights and benefits gained during that time were lost to Democrats during the Redemption. The Redemption turned the Reconstruction into an economic, political, and social loss for most African Americans throughout the South. After more than 2 centuries of being emancipated, African Americans were given a new life. This phrase a new life was not the life of equality. However it was still a change from enslavement. This was the single and most important success of the Reconstruction. when it liberated African Americans in the South, it also replaced enslavement for segregation. When dealing with a historical event such a s this one, a person has to look at what the Reconstruction has cost African Americans and what it has brought them in return, then they must answer the question "was it all worth while?"

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Presidents :: essays research papers

With the United States economy in a state of recession from the empty promises brought forth by President George Bush, the country needed a change for the better. President Bush’s policies were not pulling through, and the American people were expecting results. Re-election was nearing for Bush and he really needed to get his act together if he wanted another term in office. Out of no where a former governor was leading the polls over Republican candidate, President George Bush. Clinton had focused a lot of his efforts towards the younger generation of 18 to 25 years. Bush was also behind because his programs created the present recession the nation was experiencing. Clinton spoke of new job opportunities and better wages, which appealed to the younger generation, because they were starting out in their lives and more jobs meant more options. Many people felt as though they were being betrayed by Bush, because of his empty "No New Taxes" policy. Another factor that swayed votes Clinton’s way, was the change in ideas of the "Reagan Democrats", who were registered Democrats which voted Republican. These voters realized that Bush was not following through with his promises and they wanted results. Families were being hurt because of unemployment and the "Reagan Democrats" needed to provide for their families. One major issue was the cultural conflict of welfare. Americans were becoming lazy and did not "need" jobs as long as they were on welfare. Bush just let this issue go, while Clinton made a plan stating that after two years of welfare, everyone capable of working would have to accept a job, or training for a job. This policy attracted voters of the working and middle class population. This policy also showed that the Democratic Party is a party of workers and doers as opposed to slackers. It says they will protect the workers of America. Because of all of these factors, Clinton has an astonishing lead over his opposing mate. This lead continues on and leads Clinton onto his election and the re-election. Clinton is a very well-liked president, as well as effective. Employment was steadily on the rise, and the inflation rate was lower than it had been in many years. Clinton was able to negotiate foreign policy, he was able to handle domestic affairs and he was liked by the people. He also looked good on camera which was another asset he had in his favor. Bill Clinton’s approval rating was very high and he was controlling the country with dignity and competence. The unthinkable then happened, he was caught having an affair with a White House intern, Monica Lewinski. This scandal plagued the White House for many months. Clinton was even put on trial, accused of perjury.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Professional practice in children’s care learning and development Essay

It is my understanding that in my continued professional development, as manager of my setting it is my role to ensure that myself and every member of the staff and management committee understand the values, principles and statutory framework that underpins service provision in children’s care, learning and development At all times in our centre the welfare of the child is paramount and we demonstrate daily professional practise in line with the new minimum standards, code of practice and the ethos of our setting. We understand that parents are the most important people in children’s lives and that with their support for their children’s learning and development, it is up to us as a staff team to enhance what the children have already been taught by their parents and ensure that through our daily plans, based on the 6 areas of learning, set in place by the education training inspectorate, make a positive impact on the children’s early learning skills to h elp them achieve a positive long term impact on their later learning and achievements. If young children are to get the early education and care they need, there must be a substantial change in the way working with young children is perceived. There needs to be clear roles in the early years workforce and standards are continually being raised with new publications like the Cathy Nutbrown report. Other publications such as together towards improvement, the curricular guidance for preschool education, the 0-6 strategy, the minimum new standards and all relevant or new legislation all have an impact on our staff team to ensure that everyone is working together to develop their professional practise ensuring that we are committed to providing an outstanding provision for pre- school education in our setting. In my setting as part of the manager’s role I am required to keep on top of all new legislations and ensure that these are being implemented by myself and the staff team. This includes making sure that everyone has the appropriate qualifications to work in an early years setting and that we all avail of any training that becomes available that will enhance the staff teams knowledge to ensure that at all times we are providing high quality  education and play, which is age appropriate and that the children are provided with the correct resources to develop this. I ensure that as a staff team, all members of staff get to work with any outside agencies in developing their own professional development, such as local primary schools, social services, eti, and our early years specialist. We are also part of the SEN building capacity pilot scheme which has provided very in depth training to all members of staff and has proved very beneficial to the staff to help identify additional needs, put strategies into place for the children and if needed develop Individual Education Plans, working in partnership with the parents to help the child develop in whatever area they are having difficulty in, so that we know when they move onto primary school we have supported them in their development to the best of our professional ability. We ensure that we contribute to children’s care learning and development in every aspect of our practice and service by constantly reviewing our work through our daily observations and evaluations of the day. We take into account every child’s needs rights and views and incorporate these into our ever changing daily plans and routines. I believe in our setting we all have a very good working relationship with all parents and families and operate an open door system at all times. We meet with parents a few times a year to discuss how their child has settled in and also their transition onto primary school, also we meet up when necessary if a child has an individual education plan. These meetings gives us the opportunity to discuss with the parents, all the information we have gathered about their child, and ensure that we have treated every child with individuality and all areas of diversity etc are respected, valued and celebrated within our daily work, ensuring that at all times we are promoting their child’s health and well being and that as a team along with the parents, using our professional knowledge and skills as practitioners we are contributing to enrich the experience of every child’s learning to the best of our ability. We also ensure that all information we have gathered from the parents and through our own observations, is treated confidentially and used on a need to know basis. If parents disclose any personal information about their child or family life we treat it as confidential and the information is respected as appropriate unless a child’s protection and well being are at stake. In our setting we do daily, weekly and m onthly risk  assessment to ensure that at all times, every child’s personal and physical safety is of the upmost importance, whilst still allowing for risk and challenge appropriate to every child’s capabilities. We believe that best practice requires reflection and continuous search for improvement, so as a staff team we are constantly reviewing our practice and reflecting on daily events to ensure that every staff member is working to the best of their ability, we are continually updating our training and knowledge individually and as a staff team, as we believe the more we know and understand from all relevant training, the better education we can provide for every child that comes to our setting. Also through our development plan and self evaluation, working with the Together Towards Improvement document we can reflect on our practice and ensure that we are also developing our own personal practise and our setting is run to the highest standard at all times. Unit 141 Professional practice in children’s care learning and development Outcome 2Understand the values, principles and statutory frameworks that underpin service provision in children’s care, learning and development A.C 2.3Support others to implement values and principles that underpin service provision By using the term â€Å"others†, this may include, workers/practitioners, colleagues, carers, volunteers, students Values: The needs, rights and views of the child are at the centre of all practice and provision How to support others We strive to provide best practice for all of our children, by promoting their needs through the 6 areas of learning. All children are individuals and their needs, rights and views will all be different, it is up to us to provide a broad and balanced curriculum to ensure that every child is at the centre of our learning plans and that every child should feel secure and valued. Individuality, difference and diversity are valued and celebrated How to support others Every child is included and supported in our setting, regardless of race, sex, religion, ethnic origin. Toys are not gender specific and all children are encouraged to play with everything. We use the media initiatve puppets at circle time to promote diversity and try to adopt a persona for each  puppet relating to a child in our settings circumstances. We welcome children and their families from all backgrounds. Staff ensure that in everything they do we help to teach the children that all people are valuable irrespective of race, colour, ethnic origin, religion, culture, ability or linguistic background and we try to celebrate these differences as much as we can. Equality of opportunity and anti-discriminatory practice are actively promoted How to support others All children are provided with the same opportunities and resources, staff are all treated fairly and with respect, in line with our equal opportunities policies and procedures. Children are recognised and valued as individuals and encouraged to develop their own sense of identity within their cultural and racial groups. Staff are all valued as individuals and encouraged to develop to the best of their ability. Fair training and recruitment procedures are in place to ensure that everyone is treated the same. Children’s health and well being are being actively promoted How to support others Good hygiene is practised and promoted at all times to minimise the spread of infection. Guidance on infection control is displayed in the main hall and a copy is sent home to every parent at the start of the year to ensure that correct exclusion times are adhered to. We operate a healthy breaks system where all children are encouraged to eat snack together and choose from a selection of healthy snacks, fruit, milk and water on a daily basis. All children take part in 30 mins active physical play daily, we encourage parents to sent a coat and hat with their chid for colder weather as we try to get children outside for physical play as much as we can. If this is not possible due to heavy rain etc the play room is cleared and we do song and dance for all the children. Children’s personal and physical safety is safeguarded, whilst allowing for risk and challenge as appropriate to the capabilities of the child How to support others During all activities provided daily every child is given the opportunity to  develop in a safe environment, whilst allowing them to challenge themselves without any undue risk or harm. Daily, weekly and monthly risk assessments are carried out on all equipment to ensure that it is structurally safe for the children and appropriate activities are adapted to suit every child’s need and capability. All areas of the playroom are adapted as much as possible to ensure that every child can develop with age appropriate resources. Self-esteem, resilience and a positive self-image are recognised as essential to every child’s development