Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Wellness centers, health clubs, gyms and spas are Essay Example For Students

Wellbeing focuses, fitness centers, exercise centers and spas are Essay all devoted to by and large wellness and prosperity. All day every day, individuals the nation over partake in exercise schedules, heart stimulating exercise classes and different sorts of activities in any of these offices. In the Lafayette zone, three of the most famous wellness clubs to go to are Red Lerilles, Shades for ladies, and Our Lady of Lourdes Regional Medical Center. For this task every one of the three of these offices were reached for data with respect to a statement of purpose, work necessities and preparing. The statement of purpose for Shades for ladies is as per the following: WE ARE SHADES!! WE GENUINELY CARE ABOUT AND RESPECT OUR MEMBERS AND PLEDGE TO DO EVERYTHING POSSIBLE TO ENSURE THEIR SATISFACTION. WE HAVE FUN WORKING TOGETHER TO BE THE MOST KNOWLEDGEABLE, PRODUCTIVE, CARING TEAM IN THE HEALTH CLUB INDUSTRY. WE BLEND OUR TALENTS TO CONTINUALLY OFFER SUPERIOR SERVICE AT A VALUE UNMATCHED BY OUR COMPETITORS. WE WILL ALWAYS SHOW THAT WE ARE HAPPY AND STRIVE TO BE SATISFIED. WE WILL ADMIT AND LEARN FROM OUR MISTAKES AND CONTINUALLY STRIVE FOR IMPROVEMENT. With the end goal FOR US TO SUCCEED, WE WILL FUNCTION AS A TEAM AND UNDERSTAND EVERY MEMBER IS A VITAL PART. In the event that ONE PART FAILS, THE WHOLE TEAM WILL SUFFER. AS WE IMPRESS OUR MEMBERS BY HELPING THEM TO ACHIEVE AND MAINTAIN THEIR FITNESS GOALS, THEY WILL GROW TO TRUST US AND WILL BRING IN THEIR FRIENDS. THIS WILL INCREASE OUR PROFIT WHICH WILL INCREASE THE PROBABILITY OF OPENING UP NEW FACILITIES WITH NEW EQUIPMENT AND PROGRAMS TO BETTER SERVE OUR MEMBERS. There were three employment positions were inspected for their important abilities and instructive prerequisites while visiting Shades for Women. One of these positions was that of wellness executive. A portion of the prerequisites and aptitudes important to turn into a wellness executive are: a professional education mind major in active recuperation, practice physiology, kinesiology or sports medication, or some kind of wellbeing or exercise related field. Candidates should likewise have grown-up and youngster CPR affirmation, just as an intensive information on life systems, kinesiology and physical wellness preparing techniques and schedules, and nourishment and abstaining from excessive food intake strategies. The subsequent position analyzed was the meeting room where participation deals and data are accessible. So as to work in the banquet room, candidates must have an agreeable information on PC and sales register transactions, excellent relational abilities, and a general information on the office. Concerning a vocation in the nursery, the most significant prerequisites are the capacity to function admirably with youngsters just as having awesome time the board aptitudes. The expense for enrollment at Shades is a 200 dollars nonrefundable enlistment charge and an installment of forty-two dollars consistently there after for one year and thirty-six dollars for a long time. There is an extraordinary value plan for USL understudies, which drops the enrollment expense down to fifty dollars and a month to month charge of twenty-nine dollars. These costs incorporate full utilization of the office. The subsequent office explored was the exceptionally respected Red Lerilles. Reds is viewed as one the best exercise and wellness offices in the state, yet the country; anyway almost no data was given with respect to a statement of purpose or essential employment aptitudes for positions there. When one of the administrative staff was approached to deliver a statement of purpose, he couldn't do so answering, What are you discussing? When determined what precisely what was being asked of him, the director expressed, Oh, we dont have one. The activity positions being analyzed, much like at Shades, were close to home wellness coach, and administrative positions. It appears as if so as to acquire an administrative position, one should either work for the office for quite a while, or essentially outlast ones ancestor. With respect to the fitness coaches, some have gotten individual preparing confirmation, however some have not. .u92d1ceadac1ed00ba85e445756863c94 , .u92d1ceadac1ed00ba85e445756863c94 .postImageUrl , .u92d1ceadac1ed00ba85e445756863c94 .focused content region { min-stature: 80px; position: relative; } .u92d1ceadac1ed00ba85e445756863c94 , .u92d1ceadac1ed00ba85e445756863c94:hover , .u92d1ceadac1ed00ba85e445756863c94:visited , .u92d1ceadac1ed00ba85e445756863c94:active { border:0!important; } .u92d1ceadac1ed00ba85e445756863c94 .clearfix:after { content: ; show: table; clear: both; } .u92d1ceadac1ed00ba85e445756863c94 { show: square; progress: foundation shading 250ms; webkit-change: foundation shading 250ms; width: 100%; obscurity: 1; change: mistiness 250ms; webkit-progress: haziness 250ms; foundation shading: #95A5A6; } .u92d1ceadac1ed00ba85e445756863c94:active , .u92d1ceadac1ed00ba85e445756863c94:hover { darkness: 1; change: murkiness 250ms; webkit-change: obscurity 250ms; foundation shading: #2C3E50; } .u92d1ceadac1ed00ba85e445756863c94 .focused content territory { width: 100%; position: relati ve; } .u92d1ceadac1ed00ba85e445756863c94 .ctaText { fringe base: 0 strong #fff; shading: #2980B9; text dimension: 16px; textual style weight: intense; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; text-enrichment: underline; } .u92d1ceadac1ed00ba85e445756863c94 .postTitle { shading: #FFFFFF; text dimension: 16px; text style weight: 600; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; width: 100%; } .u92d1ceadac1ed00ba85e445756863c94 .ctaButton { foundation shading: #7F8C8D!important; shading: #2980B9; outskirt: none; outskirt range: 3px; box-shadow: none; text dimension: 14px; textual style weight: striking; line-tallness: 26px; moz-outskirt span: 3px; text-adjust: focus; text-embellishment: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-tallness: 80px; foundation: url(https://artscolumbia.org/wp-content/modules/intelly-related-posts/resources/pictures/straightforward arrow.png)no-rehash; position: supreme; right: 0; top: 0; } .u92d1ceadac1ed00ba85e445756863c94:hover .ctaButton { foundation shading: #34495E!important; } .u92d1ceadac 1ed00ba85e445756863c94 .focused content { show: table; stature: 80px; cushioning left: 18px; top: 0; } .u92d1ceadac1ed00ba85e445756863c94-content { show: table-cell; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; cushioning right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-adjust: center; width: 100%; } .u92d1ceadac1ed00ba85e445756863c94:after { content: ; show: square; clear: both; } READ: Remember the Titans Essay Those who are not affirmed have been working at Reds sufficiently long to have a decent understanding in regards to practices and the utilization of legitimate hardware for preparing somebody. Meeting room and nursery occupations have not set prerequisites, as they are prepared when employed. Enrollments to Reds are sold on a yearly premise. There are two sorts of participations accessible for procurement, the full compensation enrollment .

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Outsourcing free essay sample

Re-appropriating is subcontracting a help, for example, item plan or assembling, to an outsider organization. The choice whether to redistribute or to do in house is regularly founded on accomplishing a lower creation cost, utilizing accessible assets, concentrating vitality on the center abilities of a specific business, or simply utilizing work, capital, data innovation or land assets. It is basically a division of work. Redistributing turned out to be a piece of the business vocabulary during the 1980’s. Innovative work The serious weights on firms to bring out new items at an ever quick pace to address advertise issues are expanding. All things considered, the weights on the RD office are expanding. So as to ease the weight, firms need to either expand RD spending plans or discover approaches to use the assets in an increasingly gainful manner. There are circumstances when a firm may consider redistributing a portion of its RD work to an agreement explore associations or colleges. We will compose a custom exposition test on Redistributing or on the other hand any comparative subject explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page Reasons why a firm could consider re-appropriating are: †¢ new item configuration doesn't work †¢ venture time and cost invades †¢ loss of key staff †¢ serious reaction †¢ issues of value/yield. The key drivers for RD re-appropriating are developing mass markets and accessibility of mastery in the field. In this specific situation, the two most crowded nations on the planet, China and India, give immense pools from which to discover ability. The two nations produce more than 200,000 designers and science graduates every year. Additionally the two nations are ease sourcing nations. Other vital drivers for re-appropriating RD are access to ability and protected innovation, filling holes in the capacities of the RD work, overseeing hazard better, diminishing an opportunity to market, and concentrating on the center capability or exercises of the firm Manufacturing Often organizations will create and showcase items yet leave the assembling to different organizations that represent considerable authority in it. In this way a production line can do fabricating for a few organizations and keep an enormous assembling plant working at about full limit when no individual agreement could legitimize the cost of keeping up the framework. A case of this would be Fabless semiconductor organizations which do structure and so on yet don't have their own, incredibly costly, creation offices. Different models would be organizations that represent considerable authority in the undertakings of securing parts, get together, QA, and so forth and market these aptitudes as their essential business to organizations that redistribute assembling to them. Data innovation field Outsourcing in the data innovation field has two implications. One is to commission the advancement of an application to another association, typically an organization that represents considerable authority in the improvement of this sort of use. The other is to employ the administrations of another organization to deal with all or parts of the administrations that in any case would be rendered by an IT unit of the association. The last idea probably wo exclude advancement of new applications. Purposes behind redistributing Organizations that re-appropriate are trying to acknowledge advantages or address the accompanying issues: †¢ Cost reserve funds. The bringing down of the general expense of the support of the business. This will include lessening the extension, characterizing quality levels, re-estimating, re-arrangement, cost re-organizing. Access to bring down cost economies through off shoring called work exchange created by the compensation hole among industrialized and creating countries. †¢ Focus on Core Business. Assets (for instance speculation, individuals, and foundation) are centered around building up the center business. For instance regularly associations re-appropriate their IT backing to particular IT administrations organizations. †¢ Cost rebuilding. Working influence is a measure that thinks about fixed expenses to variable expenses. Redistributing changes the equalization of this proportion by offering a move from fixed to variable expense and furthermore by making variable costs increasingly unsurprising. †¢ Improve quality. Accomplish a stage change in quality through contracting out the administration with another assistance level understanding. †¢ Knowledge. Access to protected innovation and more extensive experience and information. †¢ Contract. Administrations will be furnished to a legitimately restricting agreement with budgetary punishments and lawful change. This isn't the situation with inward administrations. †¢ Operational mastery. Access to operational best practice that would be excessively troublesome or tedious to create in-house. †¢ Access to ability. Access to a bigger ability pool and a supportable wellspring of aptitudes, specifically in science and building. †¢ Capacity the executives. An improved strategy for limit the executives of administrations and innovation where the hazard in giving the abundance limit is borne by the provider. †¢ Catalyst for change. An association can utilize a redistributing understanding as an impetus for significant advance change that can't be accomplished alone. The outsourcer turns into a Change specialist simultaneously. †¢ Enhance limit with regards to development. Organizations progressively utilize outside information specialist co-ops to enhance restricted in-house limit with regards to item development. †¢ Reduce time to advertise. The quickening of the turn of events or creation of an item through the extra ability brought by the provider. †¢ Commodification. The pattern of normalizing business forms, IT Services, and application administrations which empower to purchase at the correct cost, permits organizations access to administrations which were just accessible to huge companies. †¢ Risk the board. A way to deal with hazard the executives for certain kinds of dangers is to band together with an outsourcer who is better ready to give the relief. †¢ Venture Capital. A few nations coordinate government supports funding with private investment for new companies that start organizations in their nation. †¢ Tax Benefit. Nations offer assessment motivators to move fabricating tasks to counter high corporate expenses inside another nation. Reactions of re-appropriating Quality Risks Quality Risk is the inclination for an item or administration to be damaged, because of activities related issues. Quality hazard in redistributing is driven by a rundown of elements. One such factor is advantage by providers due to skewed motivating forces among purchaser and provider, data asymmetry, high resource particularity, or high provider exchanging costs. Different variables adding to quality hazard in re-appropriating are poor purchaser provider correspondence, absence of provider abilities/assets/limit, or purchaser provider contract enforceability. Two fundamental ideas must be viewed as while considering recognizability as it identified with quality dangers in redistributing: the ideas of testability and criticality. Quality blur is the purposeful and mysterious decrease in the nature of work so as to augment overall revenues. The descending changes in human capital are inconspicuous however dynamic, and typically unnoticeable by the out sourcer/client. The underlying meeting meets necessities, in any case, with resulting backing, increasingly more of the help group is supplanted with beginner or less experienced laborers. Some IT shops will keep on diminishing the nature of human capital, under the weight of evaporating work gracefully and upward pattern of compensation, pushing as far as possible. Such practices are difficult to recognize, as clients may just quit any pretense of looking for help from the assistance work area. Be that as it may, the general consumer loyalty will be decreased incredibly after some time. Except if the organization continually leads consumer loyalty studies, they may in the long run be trapped in a shock of client beat, and when they discover the underlying driver, it could be past the point of no return. In such cases, it tends to be difficult to debate the legitimate agreement with the redistributing organization, as their staff is currently prepared simultaneously and the first staff made repetitive. At long last, the organization that redistributes may find that it is more terrible off than before it re-appropriated its workforce. Nature of administration Quality of administration is estimated through an assistance level understanding (SLA) in the redistributing contract. In ineffectively characterized agreements there is no proportion of value or SLA characterized. In any event, when a SLA exists it may not be to a similar level as recently delighted in. This might be because of the way toward actualizing legitimate target estimation and revealing which is being accomplished just because. It might likewise be lower quality through plan to coordinate the lower cost. There are various partners who are influenced and there is no single perspective on quality. The CEO may see the lower quality worthy to meet the business needs at the correct cost. The held supervisory crew may see quality as slipping contrasted with what they recently accomplished. The end purchaser of the administration may likewise get an adjustment in administration that is inside concurred SLAs however is as yet seen as insufficient. The provider may see quality in absolutely meeting the characterized SLAs paying little heed to discernment or capacity to improve. Quality as far as end-client experience is best estimated through consumer loyalty surveys which are expertly intended to catch an unprejudiced perspective on quality. Studies can be one of research. This permits quality to be followed after some time and furthermore for remedial activity to be recognized and taken. Language abilities In the zone of call focuses end-client experience is considered to be of lower quality when an assistance is re-appropriated. This is exacerbated when redistributing is joined with off-shoring to areas where the main language and culture are unique. The faulty quality is especially clear when consider focuses that administration people in general are re-appropriated and offshored. The general population for the most part find phonetic highlights, for example, complements; word use and style distinctive which

Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Making Time For Art

Making Time For Art [by Ashley Nash 11] Before I got to MIT, in all of my classes, there has been one and only one answer to every question. The reason to do a problem was to get the answer. What about the answer? Why does it even matter? I dont know, but I didnt bother to try and find out, and at MIT, the answer doesnt matter very much anyway. I got a 39 on my first math test here because I was taught, one question, one answer, and MIT doesnt work that way. From the first question, you have to ask two more, and find 3 formulas for them and then you will get an answer, if you are lucky, and hopefully this answer will be the one your instructor intended. This concept of thinking is mind-boggling academically, but it is the main support of art. Whats the answer? There isnt one. Dont worry. If you dont have much or any experience with art, MIT provides plenty of opportunities in classes and in clubs. I am taking SP.747-Creative Imaging, a great photography class where I am learning to take photos with film (goodbye point and click) and develop them. MIT not only provides me with a semesters worth of film, but also access to three printers where I can print my pictures. One of them is a dry-sub printer; it sublimates red and yellow ink to make orange, instead of using red and yellow dots. Our first assignment was to bring in photos and talk about why we liked/disliked them. I brought in pictures of the London Clocktower, the California Coast, and a fuzzy baby penguin. I like them because they are pretty and dont have people in them. I dont like people. People annoy me. (Ten brownie points to anyone who knows what those two lines are from.) So on that note, here are some of my photos. This one is of a cat on a Senior House windowsill: This is the 4th Ware lounge of Senior House, where I live: This is a view of the Pru and the Charles from Senior House: And this is a photo of the giant sail sculpture in front of the Green Building: One of the many art clubs that MIT has is MTG, the Musical Theatre Guild. I am not a member of this club, but several of my friends are, and I have been to both of their shows this year, their most recent being Andrew Lippas The Wild Party, based on Joseph Moncure Marchs narrative poem of the same name. The show was exquisite, great acting, music, make-up and costumes alike. The protagonist, Queenie, is a beautiful, popular blonde who loves living life in the fast-lane. She thought she had found paradise with Burrs, a fun-loving clown, but a few years into the relationship, she grew tired of his bad attitude and demeanor. She decides to throw a wild party, where she will be able to embarrass him in front of their friends, but things go unexpectedly when her friend Kate brings her date, Mr. Black. Thats all Im going to say; I hate it when people ruin the ending. (Random Fact: When this show ran off-Broadway, Idina Menzel played Kate, the protagonists best friend.) If I could have anything, I would have Idina Menzels voice and life would be a musical. How could life be better?

Friday, May 22, 2020

Metro Manila Developmental Screening Test - 5748 Words

METRO MANILA DEVELOPMENTAL TEST CASE STUDY Submitted by: BSN 2-1 / GROUP #1 Leanna Mae S. Espineli Submitted to: Reymund Cristopher Samonte ,RN, MAN  © Clinical Instructor, Level I and II Date: January 25, 2013 INTRODUCTION A. BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY Williams’ Metro Manila Developmental Screening Test (MMDST) Metro Manila Screening Test or MMDST is simple, clinically useful tool and an early detection model that applies to the detection of developmental disabilities in children. It is a modification and standardized by Dr. Phoebe D. Williams from the original Denver Developmental Screening Test or DDST by Dr. William K. Frankenburg. The MMDST is designed to detect development delays in children 2 weeks to 6 and half years of age.†¦show more content†¦In present, JACD is not experiencing difficulty in urinating and independently go to comfort room to eliminate waste. He doesn’t experience urinating in bed while sleeping. Finally, in the stage where he belongs; Phallic stage, the client’s pleasure appears to shift from the anal to the genital area. The client has no signs that he is doing masturbation but the examiner cannot sure of this thing is happening at home. The client already knows the differences of two genders and in what gender he belongs. He is more closed to her mother than his father and being always with her mother even at house, as verbalized by the mother. His companions are composed of male. In this stage where child really start to become aware of their bodies C. Harry Stack Sullivan Interpersonal Development Harry Stack Sullivan (1892–1949), the father of interpersonal psychiatry or Interpersonal Psychoanalysis. He proposed interpersonal theory of personality. He explained the role of interpersonal relationships and social experiences in shaping personality. He also explained about the importance of current life events to psychopathology. The theory further states that the purpose of all behavior is to get needs met through interpersonal interactions and decreaseShow MoreRelatedThesis on Hiv5798 Words   |  24 Pagesreported infections in 2007 to 1,591 in 2010. Newly reported infections among young people 15 to 24 years of age, however, increased 10-fold over the same period (from 41 in 2007 to 489 in 2010). The Department of Health (DOH) stated that Angeles, Metro Manila, Cavite, Bulacan, Bacolod and Davao have the most number of people who got the infection. Provincial Health Officers (PHO) said that Cavite ranked second, after National Capitol Region (NCR), with the most number of â€Å"People Living with HIV† (PLHIV)

Saturday, May 9, 2020

A Fair View of Argumentative Essay Topics about Instagram

A Fair View of Argumentative Essay Topics about Instagram What You Need to Do About Argumentative Essay Topics about Instagram Beginning in the Next Ten Minutes The problem here is that it takes so many parts of paper to write just a single textbook. Look through the list of topics cautiously and start making a mental collection of the evidence you're able to use on topics you prefer. You have to include rough facts! Your facts ought to be truthful. Using Argumentative Essay Topics about Instagram Before you turn in your assignment, you are going to want to appear over it one final moment. It is crucial to check reviews about essay writing services in order to be confident they can deliver your task before the deadline. It is possible to take my online IELTS Writing Practice Test anywhere on earth and find a score, corrections, and feedback in only two days. Do not be hesitant to speak to us every minute prior to your deadline is priceless. The Downside Risk of Argumentati ve Essay Topics about Instagram Don't forget that it's going to take practice to learn to earn a compelling case. A 1 hour essay deadline may be a true problem, if you're not good enough at writing and expressing your ideas on a topic you aren't really interested in. Each region of the essay exerts a specific function in its general structure. If you wish to learn what an argumentative essay is, the very first thing you need to remember is that its principal aim is to convince the audience to accept your perspective. There are not any grammatical errors. An argumentative essay example will reveal the should possess some crucial components which make it better in the practice of convincing. Be certain to read online essay writing service reviews in order to know what type of material you are spending for. Deciding on a topic to compose your argumentative essay about is not an effortless endeavor. Remember that the period of your essay is based on the assignment provided to you. The essay ought to have a little structure, unlike a normal essay. Essay writing per se is no simple job to do. There are a few specific elements which are necessary in an argumentative essay. When asking us how to begin an argumentative essay, many students forget that they should begin with an outline. To write a fantastic argumentative essay, there are four leading elements of the essay you're likely to have to know about. If you're new to writing argumentative essays, there are a couple of key factors which you can learn that could help you compose a much better argumentative essay. An argumentative essay is a writing piece intended to persuade a person to believe the way that you do. Usually, it has the same outline as the majority of traditional papers. All argumentative essays must have a conclusion paragraph. Every argumentative essay should depend on a topic which can be debated. Get the Scoop on Argumentative Essay Topics about Instagram Before You're Too Late An argumentative essays aim is to convince your reader to hold up your side of the argument. You have to consistently stay on a single side of the argument. Emphasize your position is the very best by summarizing the key points of your argument. You first have to decide on a good topic with an argument, credible information to strengthen your viewpoint, a good stance on your side, and a superb counter-argument to assist you sound less biased. Argumentative arguments are only arguments that are written back on paper. A great persuasive argument will use the latest data and data from verified sources. Good argumentative essay examples should show you just how to include things like the advantages and disadvantages of your argument. Any fantastic task finishes with a fantastic conclusion and the very best examples of the argumentative essay will arrive in with a conclusion with an overview of all of the points together with a gist of the evidences provided.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Example Press Release Free Essays

NEWS For Immediate Release Contact NEWS For Immediate Release Contact SOUTH BURLINGTON September 12, 2012It’s getting close to election time and in response to the hullaballoo and stressors surrounding the republican and democratic campaigns, top leader in ice cream production, Ben and Jerry’s, announced their new flavor, â€Å"We Vote Purple. † The new flavor consists of a delicious boysenberry and grape sorbet with bits of pie crust swirled in, thus giving the ice cream a beautifully neutral color of purple and a nice hearty texture. Ben and Jerry’s CEO, Jostein Solheim, said, â€Å"This flavor is for all of the people of America, regardless of their political standpoint. We will write a custom essay sample on Example Press Release or any similar topic only for you Order Now It’s something that can bring two different types of people together by mixing a little republican red with some democratic blue, thus creating purple. â€Å" Solheim, as well as many Ben and Jerry’s employees, exclaim this is a new favorite of theirs, describing it as, â€Å"a magical mix of grapes, the fresh fruit of summer, with a fall favorite, boysenberry pie. † Lastly, if customers bring in a copy of this press release they can get the new flavor at half price! Limit one per customer. ) SOUTH BURLINGTON September 12, 2012It’s getting close to election time and in response to the hullaballoo and stressors surrounding the republican and democratic campaigns, top leader in ice cream production, Ben and Jerry’s, announced their new flavor, â€Å"We Vote Purple. † The new flavor consists of a delicious boysenberry and grape sorbet with bits of pie crust swirled in, thus giving the ice cream a beautifully neutral color of purple and a nice hearty texture. Ben and Jerry’s CEO, Jostein Solheim, said, â€Å"This flavor is for all of the people of America, regardless of their political standpoint. It’s something that can bring two different types of people together by mixing a little republican red with some democratic blue, thus creating purple. â€Å" Solheim, as well as many Ben and Jerry’s employees, exclaim this is a new favorite of theirs, describing it as, â€Å"a magical mix of grapes, the fresh fruit of summer, with a fall favorite, boysenberry pie. Lastly, if customers bring in a copy of this press release they can get the new flavor at half price! (Limit one per customer. ) NEW BEN AND JERRY’S FLAVOR ANNOUNCED Company takes neutral stance in presidential campaign by presenting new flavor, â€Å"We Vote Purple. † NEW BEN AND JERRY’S FLAVOR ANNOUNCED Company takes neutral stance in presidential campaign by presenting new flavor, â€Å"We Vote Purple. † How to cite Example Press Release, Essay examples

Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Judicial Views about Polygamy

Introduction The discussion of Polygamy in America has caused a great judicial debate regarding its legal status. Now, with the changing societal perceptions regarding same-sex marriages, many people question the illegality of polygamy (Irwi, 2004).1 This chapter investigates the judicial background informing the illegality of polygamy and the circumstances that led to its prohibition, throughout all 50 states of America.Advertising We will write a custom thesis sample on Judicial Views about Polygamy specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More To achieve this objective, this chapter proposes the contribution of the Utah wars, Morill anti-bigamy laws, Edmund Act, Edmund-tucker act, and Reynold vs. United States case as the main factors characterizing the judicial background of polygamy in America. Furthermore, this paper shows the legal position of American laws towards polygamy, and the contradiction that these laws have with religious free doms and individual liberties (Gallagher, 2006, p. 30).2 Judicial Background of Polygamy in America Utah War of 1857 – 1858 The Utah war was an armed conflict between the Mormon Church and the U.S government. This war lasted one year, and included civilian casualties from both side of the divide. Even though the war was protracted, it ended through a negotiated agreement between the government and the Mormon Church (Hafen, 1958).3 The then president, James Buchanan, started this conflict by sending America troops to Mormon territories to control a rebellion in the state of Utah (against the government’s position to ban polygamy) (Hafen, 1958).4 However, the war turned out to be a mistake by the Federal government, because it gave the Mormons a renewed drive to practice polygamy, at least without any judicial interference, or any interference from the Federal government. This happened because the government was widely criticized for its attack on Utah, especially becaus e they had not properly ascertained accusations that the state was rebelling against the government (Danver, 2011, p. 383).5Advertising Looking for thesis on family law? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Observers also criticized Buchanan for failing to notify Utah’s governor about the intention of the Federal government to attack the citizens of Utah. These criticisms prompted the government to leave Mormons alone. Indeed, as will be seen from the Morill Anti-bigamy law, the Utah wars of 1857 and 1858 gave Utah a renewed judicial will to practice polygamy. Morill Anti-Bigamy Act President Abraham Lincoln signed the Morill Anti-bigamy Act after the Utah wars of 1857 and 1858 (Gallagher, 2006).6 Here, it is critical to note that the Mormon debate, and the willingness of prospective presidents to criminalize polygamy, characterized the American presidential elections of the mid and late 1800s. Lincoln rose to power on this promise. Indeed, the failure of President Buchanan to introduce a lasting solution to polygamy gave the new president, Abraham Lincoln, the opportunity to find a lasting solution (legally) to polygamy in America. His remedy was the Morill Anti-bigamy Act. However, since the failure of the Utah wars gave Mormons a fresh will to fight any attempts (legally) at constraining their religious right to practice polygamy, President Lincoln willingly failed to enforce anti-polygamy laws in Utah (Gallagher, 2006).7 The lack of law enforcement was a tactical move by Abraham Lincoln to exempt Utah from abiding by anti-polygamy laws, in exchange for Utah’s loyalty to the Federal government during the American civil war. Consequently, the American commanding officer for the Federal government received instructions to refrain from confronting Mormons regarding their practice of polygamy (even though the Morill law was in force) (Gregory, 2011).8 From the government’s unwillingness to enforce (fully) anti-polygamy laws, it is easy to see how the Utah war affected subsequent applications of anti-polygamy laws in America. Nonetheless, Lincoln signed the Morill act into law in 1862 to provide a judicial background for the enforcement of anti-polygamy laws in America. Through the Morill law, the government intended to control the spread of polygamy in the state of Utah. However, the Morrill anti-bigamy law experienced subsequent modifications when the Edmund Act came into force in 1882.Advertising We will write a custom thesis sample on Judicial Views about Polygamy specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Edmund Act Edmund act (also known as the Edmund’s anti-polygamy Act) sought to make any acts of polygamy in America a felony against the Federal government (Norgren, 2006).9 This law also criminalized bigamy and unlawful cohabitation between men and women as a misdemeanor against the laws of America. This second provision intended to overcome the legal hurdle against the implementation of the Morill act, which experienced challenges from the burden of proving that a polygamous marriage had actually occurred. Indeed, most polygamous marriages occurred secretively and without any legal document to show its existence. The execution of this law occurred hurriedly as a reaction to the perceived immorality that polygamy introduced to the American society (Norgren, 2006).10 The Edmund act not only reinforced the Morill Act, but also introduced firm penalties to anybody found practicing polygamy (when convicted, offenders would lose their right to vote and their right to run for political office). The main challenge affecting the applicability of this law stemmed from its contradiction with the ex post facto law, which sought to protect the right of polygamists who practiced polygamy before the act came into force (Arrington, 1992).11 However, in a Supreme Court ruling in the Murphy vs. Ramsey cas e of 1885, the court ruled that the law punished polygamists for practicing polygamy after the enforcement of the anti-polygamy law, and not for their practice of polygamy before the applicability of the law. Therefore, the state penalized the continued wrongful cohabitation of polygamous couples after the law came into force (Arrington, 1992).12 The government enforced the Edmund Act indiscriminately because it prosecuted people not only for practicing polygamy, but also for subscribing to polygamous beliefs of the Mormon Church. In fact, the enforcement of the Edmund Act was so firm that all elected officers in the state (Utah) left office, so people could check them for their stand on polygamy, before they resumed office.Advertising Looking for thesis on family law? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Several prosecutions occurred under the Edmund Act. In fact, the government estimates that it prosecuted more than 1,300 men under this act (Arrington, 1992).13 Most victims were polygamous men, because the society perceived women as victims of this practice. However, the government arrested and detained polygamous women who refused to testify against their husbands. Edmund–Tucker Act The government introduced the Edmund-Tucker Act in 1887 to respond to a judicial dispute between the Mormon Church and the US federal government (concerning the practice of polygamy within the Mormon Church) (Norgren, 2006).14 Congressman Tucker and Senator Edmund introduced the act. Both sponsors proposed that the government should impose a penalty of $500 to $800 on anybody found to be practicing polygamy (Norgren, 2006).15 Both sponsors also criticized the Mormon Church for fostering polygamy in America as a religious practice. From this statement, the Edmund-Tucker Act gave the federal gover nment a reason to seize the assets of the LDS church (worth over $50,000) (Arrington, 1992).16 The government later assigned these assets for use in public schools around Utah. U.S marshals and their deputies implemented this law. According to the provisions of the Edmund act, prospective voters and public officials had to denounce polygamy. Moreover, the act required prospective voters, jurors, and public officials to take an oath against polygamy before they continued their public service duties (Arrington, 1992).17 The Edmund-Tucker act also cancelled any laws allowing children born from polygamous unions to inherit property (Arrington, 1992).18 Finally, the act also required all civil unions to have a certificate, so that the prosecution of polygamous unions eased. This law changed the spousal privilege act to eliminate the protection of polygamous wives from testifying against their husbands. To improve the enforcement of anti-polygamy laws, the Edmund-Tucker act paved the way for the appointment of federal judges to hear polygamy cases, instead of local judges (who were sympathetic to polygamists). This law led to the abolishment of the office of territorial superintendant (in the education system) to pave way for a federally funded office that controlled school activities within Mormon strongholds. This move aimed at having an accurate assessment of the number of Mormon school going children (Norgren, 2006).19 The government repealed the Edmund-Tucker act in late 1978. Reynold vs. United States A fundamentalist Mormon (George Reynolds) filed The Reynold vs. United States case in 1878 (Johnson, 1948).20 Reynold claimed that the state should not prosecute him for practicing bigamy because it was his religious right to marry multiple partners. He also claimed that the testimony of one of his wife could not be admissible in court because it was under another indictment. The state had earlier arrested him for marrying a second wife, Amelia Jane Scofield, whi le he was already married to another woman (Mary Ann) (Johnson, 1948).21 This case introduced a special argument in the American justice system, because it questioned the government’s commitment to protect the religious rights and freedoms of the American people. The US Supreme Court however, ruled that Reynold’s religious right was not a defence against the state’s law that criminalized polygamy. A background of the acknowledgement that the federal government could not introduce a new law that contravened the first amendment informed this ruling. However, the court also said that anti-bigamy laws did not classify under laws that prohibited the first amendment to the American Constitution, or the freedom to exercise religious practices. The court used a letter from Thomas Jefferson to justify its ruling regarding the existence of a clear distinction between religious beliefs and practices that stem from such beliefs (Johnson, 1948).22 The Court also ruled that r eligious beliefs were between man and God; therefore, the court could not intervene in such agreements. However, actions arising from such beliefs (polygamy) were under the court’s jurisdiction, because it involved the relationship between two or more people. The court therefore believed that it had the jurisdiction over actions, and not the opinions held by religious people (Johnson, 1948).23 It should however, be understood that at the time of the ruling, fundamental Mormons believed that the growing trend by the federal government to pass laws prohibiting polygamy was a legal interference against the first amendment to the American Constitution, which gave them the right to practice their religious rights. Because most Mormons believed so, they freely chose to ignore the Morill anti-bigamy act that criminalized their polygamous practices. Even as the Mormons felt victimized by the state, the government was still exploring ways of strengthening the already existing laws to criminalize bigamy in America. Therefore, Reynold’s petition was untimely, because the government was strengthening its commitment to criminalize all forms of polygamy. From this background, the court indicted Reynold for bigamy and sentenced him to two years imprisonment, with a fine of $500, as stipulated by the law (Johnson, 1948).24 This ruling stood as a precedent for the criminalization of polygamy in America. Legal Position towards Fundamental Mormon Polygamy The legal position of the U.S federal government towards polygamy has been unfavorable to Mormons. Since the signing of the Morill Anti-bigamy law, the U.S federal government has been unforgivable in criminalizing polygamy, and all its forms. The subsequent signing of the Edmund Act, and the Edmund-Tucker Act, supported this commitment. The presence of these laws has put the Mormon faith at crossroads with the government, and the American society, regarding their religious practices and the consequences of not fol lowing the law. The Mormons have had a choice to abandon polygamy, or continue with the practice and face the law. To date, many Mormons have abandoned the practice and aligned their religious practices with mainstream American beliefs regarding marriage (monogamy). However, a cross-section of the Mormon faith still practices polygamy, although in small proportions. America’s legal position towards polygamy has however not changed. Polygamy is still illegal in the United States and those practicing it, do so illegally. However, it is equally important to note that polygamy has gained a significant level of social acceptance among fundamental Mormons in America. Many factors (including the changing societal perceptions regarding the practice, and the legalization of same sex marriages in some American states, such as, Iowa, Maine, Maryland, and Massachusetts) fuel its acceptance. Despite the existence of anti-polygamy laws, the states of Utah and Colorado have had a long histo ry of condoning polygamy, so long as it is not public (Danver, 2011).25 The minimal convictions and commitment by the US government to arrest polygamous partners support the underground acceptance of polygamy within some states of the US. This minimal government commitment to arrest polygamists stem from the presence of tens of thousands polygamists in the U.S, who continue the practice without any strong legal consequences. For example, within the two states mentioned above (Utah and Colorado), only two arrests have occurred within the last decade (although thousands of people practice polygamy within the two states) (Danver, 2011).26 In fact, the arrests of these two polygamous people only occurred because they openly advocated for polygamy. They therefore seemed a nuisance to the society, and an embarrassment to the state government. If the two polygamists never openly campaigned for polygamy, the government would not have arrested them. In 2008, the Texas government also raided a fundamentalist Mormon church in the state (Danver, 2011).27 However, they only did so because they suspected that forceful marriages of underage girls (to older men) occurred within the church. If it was adults practicing polygamy (with no children involved), there would be very little state involvement (despite the illegality of polygamy in America). The government therefore uses the law selectively (in extreme cases of polygamy, and only when polygamy gives way to social ills, such as, marrying underage girls). Anti-polygamy laws therefore exist because it is politically right to have them (because majority of Americans still do not fully accept polygamy). Moreover, if the government removes them, there would be a public outcry. Unlike past decades when the government was very vocal about the practice of polygamy in the Mormon faith, the government has recently taken a backseat in the implementation of anti-polygamy laws. Instead, only polygamous acts considered highly immoral b y the American society (such as the marriage of underage girls) are subject to prosecution. The legal position of the American government towards polygamy in the Mormon Church has therefore stabilized in the recent years, because there have been fewer attacks on polygamists recently. The government’s position regarding the dominance of polygamy in some Mormon sects has therefore been lukewarm because it only acts when polygamists become ‘too loud’ or engage in forceful marriages (considered unacceptable by the society). Otherwise, the government does not concern itself much with polygamists who foster the practice in secrecy. In other words, when adults (with no history of child abuse or neglect) practice polygamy, the government rarely gets involved in such unions. This is the reason polygamy has found its way to American media. Now, polygamous shows are part of mainstream American television, such as, HBO’s Big Love and TLC’s Sister Wives. Contrad ictions in the Application Polygamy Laws Contradiction with Religious Laws The willingness of Americans to accept diverse views regarding different social issues inform America’s legal and social fabric. This diversity is widely enshrined in America’s basic freedoms and rights. One basic freedom is the freedom of religion because the law grants Americans the right to practice whatever religion they chose, so long as these freedoms do not infringe on the rights of other people. Broadly, proponents of polygamy have advanced the practice as a religious freedom. According to the First Amendment of the American constitution, the law should protect such a right. The exception to this rule manifests when polygamy infringes on the rights of other people. However, polygamy seldom infringes on other peoples’ right. Therefore, it is difficult to find the right legal justification why the American law does not protect polygamy as a religious right. So far, anti-polygamy law s in America have taken a social dynamic instead of a legal one. In other words, American laws banning polygamy seem to represent the societal view towards polygamy as opposed to the legal view towards the same. Therefore, while polygamy remains a religious right, the law fails to protect it as so. The contradictions in the application of polygamy laws in America stem from its clash with religious doctrines, and the foundations that form the American society (Hitchcock, 2008).28 Many Americans are Christians. Christianity does not criminalize polygamy the way the American law does. In fact, many polygamous men in the bible were loyal servants of God. David and Solomon are just a few examples of polygamous men in the bible. Spector (2011)29 says that it is a common religious practice among Christians to pay attention to religious teachings (first) before they pay attention to the ‘laws of man’. This is the main problem that has faced the government’s will to imple ment anti-polygamy laws in America (because they face religious opposition from the Mormon Church and the few Christians who believe in Polygamy as a fundamental religious teaching from the Bible’s Old Testament). In fact, this opposition informs the Mormon belief that they hold the religious right to practice polygamy. Apart from the Christian opposition to the application of anti-polygamy laws, the contradictions between the government’s law and Islamic laws governing polygamy clash too (Hagerty, 2008, p. 1).30 The conflict between Islamic laws regarding polygamy (and the government’s law regarding the same) has been largely unexplored by many researchers (despite the continued practice of polygamy within the Muslim population living in America). In fact, there has been minimal government involvement in the practice of polygamy within the Muslim population. Islamic laws allow men to have up to four wives. It is therefore within their religious right to be poly gamous. However, the American law criminalizes any form of marriage after a man marries only one woman. This contradiction shows the clash between government laws and Islamic laws, worldwide. In fact, after reviewing the religious practices surrounding the application of polygamy in America, no other religion restricts the number of women a man may marry (besides Islam). In fact, Judaism and Hinduism also do not restrict the number of wives a man may have. However, there is no agreement regarding the way Muslims practice polygamy. Some cohabit with more than one wife (in the same house), while others cohabit with many wives in different households. Since many Islamic laws do not seek the legal recognition of their polygamous marriages, it is difficult for the government to prosecute such polygamists. Nonetheless, from the religious freedoms given to Christian, Islamic, Hindu, and other religious groups, there is a sharp contradiction between American anti-polygamy laws and religious laws (Hagerty, 2008).31 Protection of Individual Liberties Another contradiction that undermines the application of the anti-polygamy law is the Supreme Court decision of 2003, in Lawrence vs. Texas (Ihara, 2008, p. 6).32 Lawrence brought this case to the Supreme Court to question the legality of homosexual relations in Texas. The court ruled that Texas had no authority to dictate the private relationships of its citizens, or the way Americans chose to live their lives. In this regard, the Supreme Court struck down all sodomy laws in Texas and gave unprecedented freedom to its people to practice whatever private unions they wanted. This ruling also said that the 14th Amendment to the American Constitution protected consensual sexual conduct of American citizens. The government therefore had no right to dictate how its citizens should live their private lives. Previous court rulings that sought to undermine the liberties and freedoms of Americans were undermined by this ruling becau se the Supreme Court ruled that they were formulated using a narrow understanding of the liberties and freedoms enjoyed by the American population (Ihara, 2008).33 The above ruling was a landmark ruling in America because it symbolized a great milestone in the advancement of individual liberties. Moreover, many gay right activists considered the ruling a great milestone in the advancement of gay rights (Gallagher, 2006, p. 27).34 Since the court made this ruling, Americans have enjoyed unprecedented freedoms in their lifestyle choices and private relationships. Practically, the Lawrence vs. Texas ruling made it impossible for the state to continue using the criminal code to define the private relationships of American citizens. Indeed, in the past, the American government had extensively used the criminal code to dictate even the most private and intimate relationships of the American people. From the above developments regarding the protection of American civil liberties and rights , there has been a growing trend for the court to protect private relationships. This development has given new ammunition for polygamists to demand equal protection by the government. The reluctance to grant polygamous unions the same consideration that same sex marriages have (to legalize, or not?), creates a contradiction in the application of anti-polygamy laws, and the protection of individual liberties. The biggest question that arises in this regard is why the American justice system seems to safeguard selective individual liberties, while criminalizing others. Naturally, if the courts protect same-sex marriages as legal marital unions (in some states), polygamy should also receive the same treatment because it is also a marital union that consenting adults choose to engage in (Gallagher, 2006, p. 27).35 Conclusion The inconsistencies in the application of anti-polygamy laws in America are obvious. Most of these inconsistencies were nonexistent during the initial criminalizat ion of polygamy by the American federal government. However, advancements in the protection of American individual liberties (and the changing societal perceptions regarding private relationships) created these inconsistencies (Gallagher, 2006, p. 30).36 Comprehensively, there is a trend within the American judicial system to safeguard most American individual liberties. Unfortunately, this trend protects these liberties selectively because polygamy does not receive this judicial protection. Irwi (2004)37 says that the initial reference and attachment of polygamy with same sex marriage is responsible for this neglect because critics of same sex marriages used polygamy as an argument against the legalization of same sex marriages. Therefore, American civil organizations refrain from justifying the initial fear of its critics that the possible legalization of same sex marriages would lead to the legalization of polygamous unions. In this regard, the law continues to neglect polygamy. All 50 states of America therefore still criminalize the union. References Arrington, L. (1992). The Mormon Experience: A History of the Latter-Day Saints.  Chicago: University of Illinois Press. Danver, S. (2011). Revolts, Protests, Demonstrations, and Rebellions in American  History: An Encyclopedia. New York: ABC-CLIO. Gallagher, E. (2006). Introduction to New and Alternative Religions in America. New York: Greenwood Publishing Group. Gregory, J. (2011). SkinHead Girl: Based on a True Story. New York: Author House. Hafen, L. (1958). Mormon Resistance: A Documentary Account of the Utah  Expedition, 1857-1858. New York: U of Nebraska Press. Hagerty, B. (2008). Some Muslims in U.S. Quietly Engage in Polygamy. Web. Hitchcock, J. (2008). The Supreme Court and Religion in American Life. Princeton: Princeton University Press. Ihara, T. (2008). Living Together: A Legal Guide for Unmarried Couples. New York: Nolo. Irwin, M. (2004). Women and Gender in the American West: Jensen-Mille r Prize  Essays from the Coalition for Western Women’s History. New York: UNM Press. Johnson, A. (1948). Separation of Church and State in the United States. Minnesota: U of Minnesota Press. Norgren, J. (2006). American Cultural Pluralism and Law. New York: Greenwood Publishing Group. Spector, J. (2011). Seeming Contradictions: Polygamy (Plural Marriage). Web. Footnotes 1 Michael, Irwin. (2004). Women and Gender in the American West: Jensen-Miller Prize Essays from the Coalition for Western Women’s History. New York: UNM Press. 2 Eugine, Gallagher. (2006). Introduction to New and Alternative Religions in America. New York: Greenwood Publishing Group. 3 Leroy, Hafen. (1958). Mormon Resistance: A Documentary Account of the Utah  Expedition, 1857-1858. New York: U of Nebraska Press. 4 Hafen, 1958. 5 Steven, Danver. (2011). Revolts, Protests, Demonstrations, and Rebellions in American History: An Encyclopedia. New York: ABC-CLIO. 6 Gallagher, 2006. 7 Ibid. 8 John, Greg ory. (2011). SkinHead Girl: Based on a True Story. New York: Author House. 9 Jill, Norgren. (2006). American Cultural Pluralism and Law. New York: Greenwood Publishing Group. 10 Norgren, 2006. 11 Leornard, Arrington. (1992). The Mormon Experience: A History of the Latter-Day Saints. Chicago: University of Illinois Press. 12 Arrington, 1992. 13 Ibid. 14 Norgren, 2006. 15 Ibid. 16 Arrington, 1992. 17 Ibid. 18 Ibid. 19 Norgren, 2006. 20 Alvin, Johnson. (1948). Separation of Church and State in the United States. Minnesota: U of Minnesota Press. 21 Johnson, 1948. 22 Ibid. 23 Ibid. 24 Ibid. 25 Danver, 2011. 26 Ibid. 27 Ibid. 28 James, Hitchcock. (2008). The Supreme Court and Religion in American Life. Princeton: Princeton University Press. 29 Jeff, Spector. (2011). Seeming Contradictions: Polygamy (Plural Marriage). 30 Barbara, Hagerty. (2008). Some Muslims in U.S. Quietly Engage in Polygamy. 31 Hagerty, 2008. 32 Toni, Ihara. (2008). Living Together: A Legal Guide for Unmarried Couples. New York: Nolo. 33 Ihara, 2008. 34 Gallagher, 2006. 35 Gallagher, 2006. 36 Gallagher, 2006. 37 Irwi, 2004. This thesis on Judicial Views about Polygamy was written and submitted by user Nolan Newton to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.

Friday, March 20, 2020


THE INFLUENCE OF JENNIFER IN LOVE STORY essays Without question Jennifer had a great influence on Olivers life. In this chapter we will examine her behaviour and her relationship with Oliver. And finally one will show how she contributed to Olivers reconciliation with his father. In Love Story Oliver is a young, rich man, stubborn, proud, hating his father and loving his wife who has got negative social status sacrificing her education, working to support her studying husband. And we see in her a young girl who was dying. What can you say about a twenty-five-year-old girl who died? That she was beautiful. And brilliant. That she loved Mozart and Bach. And the Beatles and me. [Love Story, New York, NY, by Erich Segal, 1988,p.1] These sentences, well known to critics, prepare us for a story like a melodrama. This is a story with good and bad characters, exciting and tragic events. The last words and me introduce us to Olivers voice. Oliver wanted to say that this young girl was the woman of his life. She inspired him and taught him how to love. They were so close to each other that it is hard to believe that there are so many things, which made them different. So who was she, this young woman who died at the age of twenty-five? Her name is Jennifer Cavilleri and she was an American of Italian decent, [Ibid, p.3] as she introduced herself. She was a student of music in Radcliffe College and as she admitted she was smart and poor. [Ibid, p. 2] For a young student and a girl she was pretty dirty-talking person: I would say ... you are full of shit. [Ibid, p. 14] This was particularly surprising because it was her reaction to Oliver saying that he was in love with her. Jennifer had a good relationship with her own father: Yeah, of course! Absolutely. Oh, me too, Phil. I love you, too, Phil. [Ibid, p.24] She called her father Phil, not like...

Tuesday, March 3, 2020

German V-2 Rocket in World War II

German V-2 Rocket in World War II In the early 1930s, the German military began to seek out new weapons that would not violate the terms of the  Treaty of Versailles. Assigned to aid in this cause, Captain Walter Dornberger, an artilleryman by trade, was ordered to investigate the feasibility of rockets. Contacting the  Verein fà ¼r Raumschiffahrt  (German Rocket Society), he soon came in contact with a young engineer named Wernher von Braun. Impressed with his work, Dornberger recruited von Braun to aid in developing liquid-fueled rockets for the military in August 1932. The eventual result would be the worlds first  guided ballistic missile, the V-2 rocket. Originally known as the A4, the V-2 featured a range of 200 miles and a maximum speed of 3,545 mph. Its 2,200 pounds of explosives and liquid propellant rocket engine allowed Hitlers army to employ it with deadly accuracy. Design and Development Commencing work with a team of 80 engineers at Kummersdorf, von Braun created the small A2 rocket in late 1934. While somewhat successful, the A2 relied on a primitive cooling system for its engine. Pressing on, von Brauns team moved to a  larger facility at Peenemunde on the Baltic coast, the same facility that developed the V-1 flying bomb, and launched the first A3 three years later. Intended to be a smaller prototype of the A4 war rocket, the A3s engine nonetheless lacked endurance, and problems quickly emerged with its control systems and aerodynamics. Accepting that the A3 was a failure, the A4 was postponed while the problems were dealt with using the smaller A5. The first major issue to be addressed was constructing an engine powerful enough to lift the A4. This became a seven-year development process that led to the invention of new fuel nozzles, a pre-chamber system for mixing oxidizer and propellant, a shorter combustion chamber, and a shorter exhaust nozzle. Next, designers were forced to create a guidance system for the rocket that would allow it to reach the proper velocity before shutting off the engines. The result of this research was the creation of an early inertial guidance system, which would allow the A4 to hit a city-sized target at a range of 200 miles. As the A4 would be traveling at supersonic speeds, the team was forced to conduct repeated tests of possible shapes. While supersonic wind tunnels were built at Peenemunde, they were not completed in time to test the A4 before being put into service, and many of the aerodynamic tests were conducted on a trial and error basis with conclusions based on informed guesswork. A final issue was developing a radio transmission system that could relay information about the rockets performance to controllers on the ground. Attacking the problem, the scientists at Peenemunde created one of the first telemetry systems to transmit data. Production and a New Name In the early days of  World War II, Hitler was not particularly enthusiastic about the rocket program, believing that the weapon was simply a more expensive artillery shell with a longer range. Eventually, Hitler did warm to the program, and on December 22, 1942, authorized the A4 to be produced as a weapon. Though production was approved, thousands of changes were made to the final design before the first missiles were completed in early 1944. Initially, production of the A4, now re-designated the V-2, was slated for Peenemunde, Friedrichshafen, and Wiener Neustadt, as well as several smaller sites. This was changed in late 1943 after Allied bombing raids against Peenemunde and other V-2 sites erroneously led the Germans to believe their production plans had been compromised. As a result, production shifted to underground facilities at Nordhausen (Mittelwerk) and Ebensee. The only plant to be fully operational by wars end, the Nordhausen factory utilized slave labor from the nearby Mittelbau-Dora concentration camps. It is believed that around 20,000 prisoners died while working at the Nordhausen plant, a number that far exceeded the number of casualties inflicted by the weapon in combat. During the war, over 5,700 V-2s were built at various facilities. Operational History Originally, plans called for the V-2 to be launched from massive blockhouses located at Éperlecques and La Coupole near the English Channel. This static approach was soon scrapped in favor of mobile launchers. Traveling in convoys of 30 trucks, the V-2 team would arrive at the staging area where the warhead was installed and then tow it to the launch site on a trailer known as a Meillerwagen. There, the missile was placed on the launch platform, where it was armed, fueled, and the gyros set. This set-up took approximately 90 minutes, and the launch team could clear an area in 30 minutes after launch. Thanks to this highly successful mobile system, up to 100 missiles a day could be launched by German V-2 forces. Also, due to their ability to stay on the move, V-2 convoys were rarely caught by Allied aircraft. The first V-2 attacks were launched against Paris and London on September 8, 1944. Over the next eight months, a total of 3,172 V-2 were launched at Allied cities, including London, Paris, Antwerp, Lille, Norwich, and Liege. Due to the missiles ballistic trajectory and extreme speed, which exceeded three times the speed of sound during descent, there was no existing and effective method for intercepting them. To combat the threat, several experiments using radio jamming (the British erroneously thought the rockets were radio-controlled) and anti-aircraft guns were conducted. These ultimately proved fruitless. V-2 attacks against English and French targets only decreased when Allied troops were able to push back Germans forces and place these cities out of range. The last V-2-related casualties in Britain occurred on March 27, 1945. Accurately placed V-2s could cause extensive damage and over 2,500 were killed and nearly 6,000 wounded by the missile. Despite these casualties, the rockets lack of a proximity fuse reduced losses as it frequently buried itself in the target area before detonating, which limited the effectiveness of the blast. Unrealized plans for the weapon included the development of a submarine-based variant as well as the construction of the rocket by the Japanese. Postwar Highly interested in the weapon, both American and Soviet forces scrambled to capture existing V-2 rockets and parts at the end of the war. In the conflicts final days, 126 scientists who had worked on the rocket, including von Braun and Dornberger, surrendered to American troops and assisted in further testing the missile before coming to the United States. While American V-2s were tested at the White Sands Missile Range in New Mexico, Soviet V-2s were taken to Kapustin Yar, a  Russian rocket launch and development site two hours east of Volgograd. In 1947, an experiment called Operation Sandy was conducted by the US Navy, which saw the successful launch of a V-2 from the deck of the  USS Midway (CV-41). Working to develop more advanced rockets, von Brauns team at White Sands used variants of the V-2 up until 1952. The worlds first successful large, liquid-fueled rocket, the V-2 broke new ground and was the basis for the rockets later used in the American and Soviet space progra ms.

Sunday, February 16, 2020

What Is An Entrepreneurship All about, How to Be a Leader Assignment

What Is An Entrepreneurship All about, How to Be a Leader - Assignment Example Entrepreneurial implies that an individual must display the ideal knowledge to operate a company. In my case, I have displayed a tendency to make strategic decision. For instance, I use my time to study efficiently, which involves subdividing my time in order to understand how to allocate equal time to the subjects I took. During my time in the university, I did some community work managing the community center. During my time as an operations manager, I managed to ensure my subordinates worked efficiently, which meant subdividing the workload between the subordinates. Another important factor during my time in the community center was being prompt to work in order to create a work schedule which would ensure all the work for the day was accomplished. In some cases, I had to pitch in on the tasks in order to cover for workers who may were unwell to report for work (Kleiman, 2010). Such factors were important in order to ensure that the community center operated efficiently; hence, de monstrating my entrepreneurial qualities. In terms of being entrepreneurial, I will be able to make decisions promptly, which will not put the company in jeopardy. I am an efficient worker, which ensures that I am very reliable in relation to accomplishing tasks quickly and with the expected quality and high standard of the company (Kotter, 2002). I can operate independently without the need for supervision, which is a quality that entrepreneurs possess. This means that I can work independently, but not in a manner that suggests I cannot work in a team. Another aspect of my character is my ability to coordinate individuals.

Sunday, February 2, 2020

Differential-Amp Circuits Lab Report Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Differential-Amp Circuits - Lab Report Example From figure 2, the input signal was equal to the output signal (unity amplification), and in the same phase (the non-inverting amplifier); both the upper and lower Op Amps were buffer circuits. The value of output was 19.9V because the Op Amp was not ideal. V1a = V1d = 0.2V; V1b= 0V; V3a = 1.16V; V3b = -0.96V; V3d = 2.12V; Afd = 10.6; Afd % Error = 4.4%; R4 = 0.97kâ„ ¦; R5 = 0.97kâ„ ¦; Average of R5 and R4= 0.97kâ„ ¦; R6 = 9.80kâ„ ¦; R7 = 9.84kâ„ ¦; Average of R7 and R6 = 9.82kâ„ ¦ For better suppression or reduction of common mode gain, there was a potentiometer connected to the LM1458C op amps. The potentiometer maintained output voltage at OV when differential input voltage is not applied. The nulling potentiometer improved common-mode gain of small input voltage by availing even smaller input voltages, V1a=0.2V was suppressed to V3a=1.16V as seen in figure 3. A bridge was made for the generation of two different voltages. There was a difference in between measured and calculated voltages due to tolerance or level of uncertainty. The differential gain was obtained through the connection of bridge to respective inputs of the amplifier. The output voltages at the connected bridge were nearly similar to the unconnected bridge; this is because they are connected to the Op Amp inputs that have input resistance of not less than several hundred kâ„ ¦ (LM1458C has 2Mâ„ ¦); V1a was equal to V1b with voltage of 0.197V which corresponded to output 21.3V. The measured differential gain was 107.878. There was minimal signal picked as observed from the oscilloscope, this was due to drifting and DC offset. This problem was caused by low-frequency DC signal; since DC is zero frequency. We could have constructed a high pass filter with very low cutoff frequency so that the Electro Cardiogram’s signal not to degrade. So both large capacitor of more than 1Â µF and large resistor of more than 1Mâ„ ¦ should have been put in place. The instrumentation

Saturday, January 25, 2020

Dealing with Substance Abuse in Mentally Ill Patients

Dealing with Substance Abuse in Mentally Ill Patients Alizah Al-aman In a course of time the brain has developed in a way to ensure our survival. This survival system incorporates brain’s unique reward system liable for satisfying person’s essential desires (Horvath, n.d.). Unfortunately, substance use is operated within these reward systems that engages an individual in addictive activities. According to Edward (2000) substance use is the hazardous use of psychoactive substances, including alcohol and illicit drugs. It is the dependency that deteriorates individuals physical and mental health. Consistent with the continuum of chemically mediated responses, substance use is a maladaptive coping manifested by frequent use and dependence of tobacco, alcohol and illicit drugs (APA 2000, p. 198; Stuart, 2009). WHO reported that globally 3.86 billion people are involved in substance abuse in which US has the utmost prevalence whereas in Pakistan it is prevalent among 6.4 million people (Stuart, 2009). If substance use co-occurs with any mental illness it’s regarded as dual diagnosis. Literature proposes that roughly 50% of the people with psychiatric problems also suffer from substance abuse disorders (chrome et al., 2009). In UK three quarters of drug and 85% of alcohol service users have mood and anxiety disorders (NIDA, 2007). It’s a dilemma that which problem occurred first. However precipitating factors like loneliness, family disturbances, psychological illness, illiteracy trigger substance use in psychiatric clients (Donald Gail, 2009). In my view to resolve the misery of such pain and mental illness people engage in substance abuse which grants them pleasure as highlighted in the below mentioned scenario. On my clinical rotation at C0 ward in AKUH, I encountered a middle aged patient with the dual diagnosis of depression and drug abuse. He was a chain smoker since 30 years and recently had angioplasty. According to the patient he developed gastric ulcers 5 years back for which a local physician prescribed him Inj. Nubain. He wasn’t conversant that the drug should be used till certain time as associated with the risk of addiction. Patient continued taking that medication and developed addiction. The medication not only lessened his pain but made him calm and relieved during his depressive episodes. After angioplasty he was constrained for not using that drug which results intense craving. Patient became unmanageable and restless. Then he was admitted in C0 ward but intense craving made his situation worst resulting in tremors, sweating, insomnia, hypertension and mydriasis. When I visited that patient, he verbalized â€Å"I need drug, am very restless, this craving will end my life† so to reroute his mind and lessen his suffering, I along with OT members planned to engage that patient in different activities. We taught him some coping strategies and there was a mild change observed in his performance and condition after psychotherapy and cooping. Glancing the social context in light of scenario, substance abuse is judged as bad deed because it violets societal norms and values by precipitating ferocious acts, poverty, family disturbances etc. In the above case unmanageable behavior lead the admission of the client in ward. In contrast some communities illustrate acceptability too. Furthermore Canadian mental health association (2006) and Steve Susan (2003) proposed the comparable fact that patients with dual diagnosis can provoke violence and peace less situation in a community by sevenfold as well as for those who are caring or living with them. Moreover substance use is 65% prevalent in mid adulthood and my patient’s age was in same age group which predisposed him towards this (Stuart, 2009). Furthermore religion exhibits a fundamental role in an individual’s life. In Islam alcohol is forbidden that’s why researches highlighted less incidence of alcohol abuse in Muslim society whereas higher incidence in western world (Haider Chaudhry, 2008, p.82). Beside this in Pakistan opioids and marijuana is predominantly abused (UNODC, 2013). Opioid use primarily grants relieve in mental illness but its withdrawal encompasses acute depression, chronic craving, tremors, sleep problems, high BP and dilated pupils as evident in my client’s case (Stuart, 2009). Moreover marijuana also serves as a source for decreasing negative symptoms in schizophrenic clients however in response it exacerbates their suffering (Archives of General Psychiatry, 2011). Survey conducted in Pakistan summarized that 53.6% of the adults smoke shisha (Sameer et al, 2012; Khan, 2010). This percentage illustrates the acceptability of tobacco and shisha in eastern world that results psychosis in individual’s already predisposed for developing it (Archives of General Psychiatry, 2011). Bhang use is also predominately practiced in Indian festivities that generate euphoric and hallucinating effects as encompasses psychotomimetic substances (Thacore, 1977). In Western world and Roman Catholics drug abuse is more socially acceptable in females but referred unmasculine in males whereas the consumption of alcohol is considered masculine (Donald Gail, 2009). In US the extreme alcohol use is the 3rd leading cause of death and it also precipitates mental illness by triggering depression, euphoria, mood disorders. Its unavailability would end up leading general depressant withdrawal syndrome. Furthermore 43% of people in US are tobacco abuser however smoking opium is marked deviant (Donald Gail, 2009). Tobacco smoke is twice more common in depressive clients while thrice in schizophrenic patients. Besides granting pleasure it amplifies the chances of relapse in psychiatric patients (Ash, 2013). So while assessing the client with dual diagnosis HCW’s should take these sociocultural aspects in consideration. When my client tried to drop the addiction, he felt intense craving. Craving is evidently depicted in the light of neuroadaptive model as prolonged use of drugs induces specific alterations in the brain cell or neurotransmitters which regulate neural drives and grant pleasure. During abstinence neuroadaption consequences in imbalance in brain function which results craving and this craving is accountable for relapse in individuals (Eliason et al., 2007). Interventions for such clients could be executed within individual, institutional and community level. In my patient therapeutic interaction assisted me to perform MSE effectively. Dealing with craving was challenging nevertheless I taught him some coping techniques, mind diversional exercises. In addition the intervention that can be carried out is drug testing and if the patient has severe withdrawal history so referral can be made to detoxification program (Stuart, 2009). Furthermore the nurse should develop awareness about the state and feelings of substance abuser in order to eradicate biasness in caring. Assessment of withdrawal symptoms should be carried out every shift. On institutional level integrated treatment for dual diagnosis verified as evidence based practice (Stuart, 2009). My client was treated simultaneously for both depression and substance abuse. Moreover medicines should be administered to alleviate craving as Methadone was been administered to my patient for plummeting his craving. Moreover individual counseling and CBT prove as a constructive approach for client’s rehabilitation and relapse prevention. Since 2000 AAS is also working for the rehabilitation of substance abusers using the same treatment methodologies such as psychotherapy and drug toxification Besides AAS there should be more rehabilitation centers in those areas where substance abuse is more prevalent in order to restore mental health. Community level interventions would embraces the conduction of school base awareness programs and workshops for eradicating the risk of substance abuse from initial ages and making individuals realize that substance use is not the accurate coping for alleviating mental illness. Developing religious and social norms would converse an obvious message for drug avoidance in mentally ill clients to whom religion serves as a protective factor. Moreover campaign against substance use on national level would present as example for people in recognizing the harmful effects of it (Reno et al., 2000). Implementation of strict Governmental policies and legislation on consumption and sale of alcohol and illicit drugs can help in reducing the occurrence of dual diagnosis. Detoxification and methadone maintenance programs can be arranged in communities with the assistance of governmental authorities (Stuart, 2009; Reno et al., 2000). In conclusion, substance abuse can co-occur with mentally illness which impact an individual’s life dreadfully. To get rid of this is difficult but not impractical. Diverse prevention strategies and early detection would assist its control and management. Moreover strong motivation from family, health care providers and especially self can immensely facilitate the individual to cope up and live a healthier life (Harrison, 2006).

Friday, January 17, 2020

Lab 12

What is an ionic bond? Typically an ionic bond occurs between one metal and one non-metal ion. One atom borrows one or more electrons from another atom. An ionic bond is a type of chemical bond that occurs when one atom loses an electron to form a positive ion and the other atom gains an electron to form a negative ion, which then result in attraction. 2. What is a covalent bond? A covalent bond is a bond that occurs when atoms in a molecule share a pair of electrons. For example, â€Å"the atoms in sugar do not form ions; instead, they are held together because of shared electrons. † 3.Do you think sugar or salt will melt at a higher temperature? Explain your answer. Since sugar is composed of covalent bonds and salt composed of ionic bonds, I think salt will take a higher temperature to melt because salt is bonded together by stronger bonds. Ionic bonds are much stronger than covalent bonds. Covalent bonds are not as strong as ionic bonds so it will not require such a high t emperature to make sugar melt. Part 1 Observations for the sugar solution: There were occasional bubbles off of the steel screw, but no lines of black or yellow off of either like with the salt solution.Observations for the salt solution: The iron nail gave off constant â€Å"streaks† of a blue/green color. The steel screw had constant â€Å"streaks† of yellow as well as many, many tiny bubbles the entire time. The nail also got much more dark after the salt solution. Part 2: Observations for the melting of sugar: Almost immediately the sugar began to melt. At first the sugar just turned from a pure, solid white to a white sugar that almost looked like more of a liquid. Then the sugar began to â€Å"pop† into tiny bubbles and quickly got faster.The tiny bubbles would then â€Å"grow† into larger brown bubbles. Observations for the salt solution: The salt solution created quiet popping noises after several seconds of being held above the candle. The salt t ook much longer to melt than the sugar. The salt also did not have near as large of a reaction as the sugar. The salt just turned darker, where as the sugar made huge bubbles. Questions 1. Why is it important to use distilled water instead of tap water used in Part 1? Distilled water is formed from condensed steam, which therefore makes it free from mineral and organic salts.Regular water is physically purified and chemically treated to kill germs, but contains many salts in it. Distilled water is free of salts, but regular tap water contains many salts. Therefore, if we are trying to see what happens for sugar, it would not be purely sugar if we used tap water because tap water contains salts. If we used tap water we would be mixing salt and sugar so we would not get accurate results. 2. In Part 1, why did you not observe a stream of bubbles coming off the stainless steel screw in the sugar solution?Since sugar is composed of covalent bonds and therefore as we saw in part 2, takes much less time to melt, I think we didn’t observe bubbles because there was not as much as a reaction since it â€Å"melted† so much faster. Also, sugar does not change its composition when added to water, but salt does. Therefore, perhaps the sugar does not cause the screw to bubble much. 3. Did any bubbles form off the screw in the sugar solution at all? Why might this happen despite your answer to Question 2? I did see occasional bubbles, which could be due to the slight chemical reaction of the two chemicals.However, it was obviously not as strong as with the salt since the salt changed its composition when added to water and so did the steel when exposed to the mixture. The transfer of energy might have been so great for the sugar that the sugar only reacted really briefly since it has a much lower melting point. However, the salt has a much higher melting point so perhaps the reaction was so much greater since the transfer of energy was so great, as needed with s alt, that there was more to react with for the salt than the sugar. 4.In Part 1, why did you observe a stream of bubbles coming off the steel screw in the salt solution? The salt solution created much more of a reaction and needs a much higher transfer of energy in order to react. The high transfer of energy created constant bubbles, where as with the sugar it did not. Perhaps the transfer of energy was so much for the salt solution that there were only really brief reactions. However, with the salt solution it needs so much energy in order to change so when all the energy is created in the salt solution, there is a much larger reaction. 5. Explain any changes that took place on the nail.The part of the nail that was exposed to the water changed in each solution. When it was in the sugar solution, the color changed very, very slightly. However, when the nail was placed in the salt solution, the part that was exposed changed a lot. The part that was in the salt solution became much d arker than the part that was not in the salt solution. 6. In Part 2, which of the substances had the lower melting point? Was this what you expected? Explain your results. The sugar had the lower melting point by a lot. The sugar immediately began to melt, but the salt took a lot longer to melt.The sugar began to melt so quickly since it was only held together by covalent bonds. The salt took a lot longer and had less of a reaction since it was held together by ionic bonds, which are much stronger. As explained in the pre-lab questions, this is exactly what I expected. The sugar melt with a much larger reaction as well (as can be seen in the photo below). The salt only popped and the individual crystals turned darker, where as the sugar actually melted and bursted into large bubbles. I think this is because it had such a low melting point that it created a large and immediate reaction.

Thursday, January 9, 2020

Questions On Information Technology Project Management

ITEC 640 Information Technology Project Management 640Ses6Mid.doc SESSION 6 Mid-Term Exam Jun 28, 2015 Troy Jenkins 1. Project management is a process that involves planning, organization, applying knowledge, tools and techniques, and controlling the resources to project activities to meet the project requirements (Project Management Institute, 2013). A project is a temporary endeavor undertaken to create a unique product, service, or result (Project Management Institute, 2013). The endeavor has a start and end date which is determined by the achievement of whatever the goal was for the project. A project may have a tangible or intangible result, may be an improvement needed or new process, may involve few people or many, can be a singular endeavor or parts of others, may be a product or service, and can be the result of other projects. 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Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Microeconomics Is A Branch Of Economics - 1715 Words

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